MOD reviews


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
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Artist:* Method Of Destruction
Title:* “Red, White & Screwed”
Label: Index Entertainment
Release Date: 10/9/2007
Genre: Hardcore/Punk
Rating: 3/5
Reviewed By: Ken Pierce (copyright 2007) for
If you are a fan of the Thrash/Hardcore scene then you already know the name of Billy Milano and are aware of his many accomplishments as singer for legendary crossover band S.O.D. (Stormtroopers Of Death) and his main band of the last couple of decades M.O.D. whose acronym stands for Method Of Destruction.* As far as M.O.D. goes it’s been about four years since the singer released an album with them and the new release finds him with a couple of new members along with music that raises the level of acerbic wit that he is most known for.* The singer is second to none when it comes to the blending of social commentary with a wry sarcastic twist and we first heard this with S.O.D. most vividly during the “Ballad Of Jimi Hendrix” where the beginning chords of “Purple Haze” would begin only to be interjected by the only words in the song - “You’re Dead”.* After achieving fame under that group’s tour he created M.O.D. and released some of the most politically incorrect tunes on “U.S.A. for M.O.D.” such as “Spandex Enormity” (a lament about obese women wearing spandex pants) and the supremely unacceptable by today’s standard’s “A.I.D.S.” (with a real meaning I will spare the readers from seeing – just look it up).* Needless to say once you heard what Milano had to say about anything you either loved him or hated him but could never easily forget him.* He continued onto this to make fun of white suburban rap fans with “Wigga” and now on “Red, White & Screwed” he shows that he has not mellowed with age whatsoever.
The album follows in typical Milano fashion and is a blistering concoction of Hardcore speed mixed with Thrash Metal elements that will send you into the pit if you are a fan of the stuff.* The Old School gets a nod during “Alphabet City Stomp” as he offers homage to the NYHC scene of days past and then he touches upon Immigration problems with “Jose Can You See”.* “Suicide Bomb Pop” and “Bullshit Politics” shows that Milano is certainly not taking any political factions side but maintains his own view on world events and its leadership.* Throughout all of these statements you will find the underlying satirical essence to be very prevalent still and if anything all the more volatile.* “G.L.E.T.” or “Greatest Lie Ever Told” comes off as more of a Metal tune and finds Milano doing a King Diamond spoof which is pretty much dead on.* I guess the real King Diamond was too busy to help him out on this one.* Joining Milano in the group are Scott Sargeant (guitar), Derek “Lennon” Lopez (drums), and Dawson Clawson (bass).* If you enjoyed the contributions that were made to music by S.O.D. and M.O.D. and still find yourself leaning a little more to the Hardcore edge even among the Gothic Operatic Sopranic Symphonics of today, then Billy Milano and his crew have just what the doctor ordered all wrapped up in a mosh-worthy steel toed boot to the head.****