Maat vs Nile vs Behemoth


Death has come
Apr 30, 2014
somewhere in the milky way

Both of Nile and behemoth's latest releases were pretty mediocre to me i think i liked one song from behemoth's the satanist called "blow your trumpets Gabriel". And thats why Maat really impressed me. Now don't get me wrong I think behemoth has a very impressive stage show and they still show their black metal roots in their song writing. Nile still writes some nice songs. I liked the acoustic intro on "When my wrath is done" but thats about it.
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Out of those three, Nile. Easily.

Behemoth has never impressed me. The one where nergal is holding the horn on his mountain of a forehead is ok, i guess.
Behemoth are far more creative than Nile could ever hope to be. They don't always succeed in their experimentation, but at least they try.
Did you mean vice versa? If not, you got some explaining to do.
No I meant it as typed. Nile is typical death metal with the occasional middle eastern acoustic or ambient interlude thrown in for good measure. Behemoth actually incorporates the middle eastern sound into their metal. As I said, say what you will about their quality (I think Behemoth is the best of the three but whatever)... they don't always succeed with their experimentation, but they are FAR more adventurous than Nile and that is factually undebatable.
Behemoth sucks, Nile is easily the best out of the three bands listed, and Maat is good. They've got some good shit. And you're wrong again butthead, Nile is far more creative by any objective measure.
I love how you say I am wrong, yet fail to defend your (incorrect) assertion.

How is throwing in interludes between contrasting sections, more creative than actually melding that sound in with one's own?
yeah, i can't agree with teh butts here. behemoth's adoption of middle eastern tropes always struck me as very superficial for starters, and while nile have their share of generic brutal DM with stupid tacked on interludes, they also have plenty of songs which incorporate that vibe fairly organically into some effective (if messy) death metal. examples:

not saying this stuff is especially deep, but i think it's pretty adventurous and accomplished considering their reputation as a gimmick band. *shrug* the behemoth i've heard just sounded contrived and soulless to me. i haven't heard a lot of it though, feel free to point me in the direction of something good.
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No I meant it as typed. Nile is typical death metal with the occasional middle eastern acoustic or ambient interlude thrown in for good measure. Behemoth actually incorporates the middle eastern sound into their metal. they are FAR more adventurous than Nile and that is factually undebatable.

Trolling or?

It's like The Butt has heard 3 Nile songs and now he's an expert.

EDIT: To add to the pile of songs that no country just posted. Here's more melding for you:

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Never heard of Maat before but they aren't bad. Never had much time for behemoth so out of the three i have to choose Nile even though their latest was awful. Ithyphallic and Those Whom the Gods Detest are pretty solid though. If this thread is about middle eastern influenced metal then Melechesh deserves a mention.
Never heard of Maat before but they aren't bad. Never had much time for behemoth so out of the three i have to choose Nile even though their latest was awful. Ithyphallic and Those Whom the Gods Detest are pretty solid though. If this thread is about middle eastern influenced metal then Melechesh deserves a mention.

The music on the newest Nile is good, but the production is godawful. Melechesh is indeed great.
The music on the newest Nile is good, but the production is godawful. Melechesh is indeed great.

The production is what puts me off it. First time i heard it i thought i was listening to a rough demo and thats still what it sounds like. I can only handle a few songs before turning it off.
The production is what puts me off it. First time i heard it i thought i was listening to a rough demo and thats still what it sounds like. I can only handle a few songs before turning it off.

It's a lot better with a good audio source.