Mac G5 to Intel Mac?

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey guys,

Anyone know if it's possible to clone a harddrive from a g5 to a intel mac?

I currently own a Quad G5 but I also have a good opputrunity to buy a new Mac Pro with Intel. Do I have to reinstall every plugin and software?

yeah but does it work when changing processor?

Im sure it would, isn't that what its intended for?

The clone hard drive works when transferring from G5 to G5 at least

see the problem i see with the Clone drive is that it will boot and say to itself:
"Woah!, hang on, this isn't my processor. this isn't my motherboard!. where is my graphics card? what is all this stuff?"


the hardware configuration will be different, hence why i doubt it would work. i could be wrong though.

in my opinion a firewire cable and migration assistant is the way to go. or just a clean install
Im sure it would, isn't that what its intended for?

see the problem i see with the Clone drive is that it will boot and say to itself:
"Woah!, hang on, this isn't my processor. this isn't my motherboard!. where is my graphics card? what is all this stuff?"


the hardware configuration will be different, hence why i doubt it would work. i could be wrong though.

in my opinion a firewire cable and migration assistant is the way to go. or just a clean install


I've had mixed results with the migration assistant earlier but I might give it a go.