MAC Heads


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
who wants to try it 1st? tell me if all is fine.... I don't want to be the lab rat. :erk:

The 10.4.10 Update is recommended for PowerPC and Intel-based Mac computers currently running Mac OS X Tiger. This update includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes or compatibility updates for the following applications and technologies:

- RAW camera support
- Mounting and unmounting external USB devices
- Support for 3rd party software applications
- Security updates

For detailed information on this update, please visit this website:
For detailed information on security updates, please visit this website:
LOL...Is everything working fine now? If so then don't update. I've only updated when it gives me something I really need or fixes something, otherwise, don't bother. I'm running 10.4.8 now anyways for PT.
"if it ain't broke, don't fix it" I generally leave updates till quite a while after they've been out... 'cause I've had enough issues with updating and programs no longer working...
Here's my general rules for Mac Software Updates if you're running a production box:

If you're running Pro Tools - don't fuck around. Listen to DigiDesign. They are your new gods!

For everyone else - wait a couple days and check geek sites like and to see if anyone is bitching about the patch, then go for it if all is clear.