Machine head board talks about anthrax chicago gig

AGREED! Hey... I know it may seem I hate BTN. I don´t, I´m just so fucking tired of it. They could at least play something else in the future and bring it back into the set once in a while.
Cubs and Sox fans don't exactly mix.

If you're going to mention one, don't be in the other ones territory.
Here is quite the same situation with soccer teams. Being anti-sport fanatic, I never understood that.
Shit, how about Ozzy's "stirring" rendition of "Take Me Out To the Ballgame" at Wrigley yesterday. I can't believe someone didn't kill him or whoever arranged it. At least he could've practiced the damn song before he murdered it.
You know what would've helped Ozzy?? If some of the air show planes drowned him out. I was at a game on Friday (and, yes, I'm a Sox fan. They were free tickets and I couldn't resist a chance to stand up and boo Sosa among legions of Cub fans) and the F-15's kept doing fly-bys over Wrigley. They practically drowned out Russel Crowe.
I Think If The Boys Want To Play Bring The Noize Let Them....its A Killer Song And If They Want To Play It Thats Great With Me I Support Them No Matter What.......all They Time Anthrax Kicks Every Ones Ass............they Are The Hardest Ever....