Machine Head - The Blackening!


No rules in metal
Nov 19, 2006
so what do you ppl think of the new album?? (its been leaked, so i just had to hear) I love it, i think the guys are back again kicking some ass.
Halo is my fav song and i think its one of the coolest Machine Head songs ever made!
I still think "Burn My Eyes" are alot better, but i think the new one was worth the wait:headbang:
I'll give it a go. The last one was better than the past few, so I'll check out where they're headed now. If its back to any of that rapmetal shit, I'll be through with them for good this time, though.
I've heard Aesthetics Of Hate on Sirrus. The songs about a writer who bashed Dimebag in an article right after his death. The songs good, but the lyrics are just Rob ranting on what he thinks of the guy who wrote the article on dimebag.
I think it's pretty good myself. Probably one of the best mainstream albums i've heard in quite a long time. Which I guess isn't saying much but it's a good listen as long as you take it for what it is.