Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires


Apr 26, 2002
Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires (aka Surprise of the year!)

"Through the Ashes of Empires" is the new Machine Head album that has literally taken everyone by surprise. After the release of "The Burning Red" many though that Machine Head had run its course as a band and could no longer really be able to produce the type of work that "Burn My Eyes" and "The more Things Change" had offered. Then "Supercharger" was released and it became more evident that Machine Head had lost whatever essence they once had when going into the recording studio to record "Supercharger". The response to "Supercharger" was worse than the response to "The Burning Red" and it seemed that Machine Head had begun to slowly fade away as one of the few bands from the early 90's that still had that "Metal" spirit that so many have lost.

Then in late Sept/early October, the promos for "Through the Ashes.." is released in different styles to several magazines. All of the magazines had the same response of amazement. All the magazines had nothing but praise for the new record and thus started the statements "Machine Head are back!" Many that obtained mp3s of the promo were taken by how from the start of the album to the end its an emotional yet aggressive record. This is literally, and hopefully, the return of Machine Head.

"Through the Ashes of Empires" is an album that does make you say "Machine Head are back!" because its fucking brutal (for Machine Head's sake). The start of the album "Imperium" is unrelenting and technically the only "soft" parts are the intro riffs. The rest of the album does the same as well. It flows kind like emotions. There are moments where it goes slow and expresses the songs meaning but it does it in an honest way, not many bands do that now, as it expresses the songs meaning musically and lyrically at the same time (great example "Days Turn Blue to Grey"). Another thing this record does is hold your interest much more so to Machine Head fans since once you start to hear it you literally cannot believe your ears.

The record is really worth everything its worth. Its a great, solid album that represents itself honestly without trying to impress you with gimmicky sound effects or gimmick lyrics. So if you really want to hear an album that will do the following:

a) Headbang
b) Mosh
c) Singing/Scream/Growl along

then this is it. Why it took Machine Head this long to release this type of record is beyond me but if it took "TBR" and "Supercharger" (which I both like; 'TBR' more than 'SC') then I am glad that they took the road they did. So in closing, "Through the Ashes of Empires" gets a:


Also, there is a special, limited edition version of "through" where you get a 5 track demo disc and two movie files which show you Machine Head live and a "making of 'Through' Session". So if you can find that version i highly suggest it.
Just picked the 2 disc version yesterday, and every song rocks except "bite the bullet", which is way too short and ends when youre just getting into the groove of the song.

Definetly reccomend it though, it would have been awesome if they had included the imperium video-"blood sweat tears" just seems like an afterthought and is a really bland song. Havent given the demos a listen yet, but the "making of" is worth seeing!! the bassist dude (sorry i forget his name) his hilarious, while Robb seems big headed.

I'll definetly be picking up their earlier albums after hearing this.