Machine Head.......TTAOE......U.S. Release date 4-20-04.....With 2 Bonus Tracks

OfficerNice said:
Ahh... the good old days. *sigh*

Brooks said:
Hey, I dont feel like importing, and downloading and burning CDs is gay. I'll wait till I can get the whole package (for less than $30) thank you.

I still haven't heard the new Exodus either (other than watching the music video for War is my Sheppard).
Well Brooks I got the advance before it was released in Europe, but still bought it months ago, at.....THE END RECORDS.....for $ tax.......Digi-pack.....thats alot less than $30.......thank you.
It is good that they signed with a US Record company. I hope they sell alot of albums. I like Imperium that is the best song on the album. I will probably purchase the album when it comes out here in the states.

BTW, just got the Exodus album "Tempo of the Damned" in the mail. I love the artwork.

Well..... the new MH is REALLY GOOD..... I hadn't listened to it in a month or two, and drug it out at work, and was really surprised that I hadn't been listening to it. Very good, SOLID record \m/