Machine Men - Circus of Fools

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Machine Men - Circus of Fools
Century Media - 77616-2 - February 19, 2007
by Amanda J. Carlson

The day the rest of the world discovers what they’re missing by not knowing Machine Men will be a great day. Circus of Fools is their most original album to date, taking their traditional sound from previous albums and pushing it to create something that stands out among all the bands of the traditional metal scene. Circus of Fools is powerful; it has muscle, with massive dual guitar sound and one of the most unique singers around. Every song is ripe with super heavy and insanely catchy metal.

The fact that a few tunes, such as 'No Talk Without the Giant' and 'Dying Without a Name' are very radio friendly doesn’t devalue the total output here. They happen to be some of the best songs, right next to the heaviest track, 'Tyrannize.' Machine Men are quite eclectic with their mix of mega heaviness and a couple softer songs. They're careful not to get too mellow for too long, though. They know their talent lies in the faster, heavier realm.

Circus of Fools is one of those albums you can listen to repetitively and not get bored with it for a long time. This is a huge step in their young careers, with their songs appearing on Finnish music charts and a European tour currently underway. World domination begins now.

Machine Men Official Website

Century Media Official Website