Machine Men - Elegies


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
I have to throw this out, no one seems to ever talk about these guys? Why I don't have a clue. I think they kick massive ass. The New album Elegies is pretty damn great. I know some people are turned off by the very similiar Iron Maiden/Bruce Dickinson sounds but I think they have really grown since they released their first ep Machine Men. 2003 They released the awesome Scars and Wounds and Elegies continues where that leaves off, check them out!!! These guys would make for a great opening or second band at Prog Power in my opinion, they fit the mold quite nice. Ciao

I liked the samples that I heard, then got the cd. Don't get me wrong, they do their style well, but I'd welcome a bit more variation. I'd agree that they'd make a good PP opener, along with Apocalyptica. Although Glenn said he'd never have instrumental bands, right?
I like their latest quite a bit, but I have a hard time hyping bands that are basically sound-a-like types. Still, I like the disc and it should be in my top 25this year or very close.

Good call, Bear. I'm really enjoying Elegies. Great sound overall, pretty strong songwriting and I think the vocals are pure ear candy. Considering their young age, I'm really looking forward to seeing how the progress and grow.
I'm like a lot of people, I like Machine Men but recognize the obvious debt paid to Bruce Dickinson. But, since I a fan of Dickinson's vocals, and Machine Men's name shows an apparent love for "The Chemical Wedding," which is one of the best metal albums of all time, I'd consider myself a fan. Who carries "Elegies," anyway? I'd like to get a copy.
Outstandding young band from the King Foo Entertainment group EWO does it again, and by the way there are rumors they will be touring the US with SONATA ARCTICA in 2006.