Mackie MR8s - Are they decent/good?

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
I have an opportunity to pick up a pair for $350. They retail for $279 a piece and get good reviews on Sweetwater. I did some searching around here, but couldn't find much information.

Anyone have experience with them?

I use MR5's and have for 3 years, love em! Nice and rich sounding, not bright and painful like KRK's. Give it a shot!
I currently use them, and they work well for me. They are a bit too bass heavy in my new room, but they were fine at my old studio. This is more of a problem with the room itself than anything else. I dont have much of anything negative to say about them.

I'd say go for it if you're getting the pair for $350
Both of the main engineers at the studio I record at / work out of sometimes have these ... they do sound pretty damn good and are loud as hell, lots of bass response and don't seem to color the sound of what you're workin on too much
Sweet, thanks guys. I'm going to the guy's house to hear them tomorrow. They look like a pretty good deal, and seem to get better marks than the KRKs in that price range.