Mad max sucked so badly

Glad to finally see others were so disappointed by Interstellar as I was, I couldn't believe it after all the hype it got in here, no less :lol: I thought the movie plot was really sub par, the soundtrack (I was waiting for some gigantic overture from what I read in here) turned out to be just some vintage organ pedal note.. I'm guessing to a younger crowd that could be some never-before-heard type of sound :D

For a 'proper' version of everything Interstellar should have been but wasn't, I would recommend '2010 The Year We Make Contact'. It's a trilogy, too, so if you like it, there's more of it to see.
I couldn't believe it after all the hype it got in here

I'm pretty sure that thread turned mostly into interstellar bashing (much like this one). If you want to see "hype" go to imdb. It's funny how quickly this thread (which is about mad max) turned to interstellar (or nolan in general) bashing, people really love to hate it :p

Anyway, you can say what you want about the movie, but the soundtrack is amazing.
Soundtrack was one of the only things I liked about it. What I detest about Nolan is that he has the imagination of a 13-year-old boy and the film making skills to match, but people somehow treat him like a modern-day Kubrick. He has no idea how to translate the ideas into his head into something on a screen with believable, compelling characters. They're just cardboard stand-ins for his ideas. The fact that critics and audiences seem to just ignore or be unaware of that really annoys me when they are so many great, ambitious directors making amazing movies out there.
Soundtrack was one of the only things I liked about it. What I detest about Nolan is that he has the imagination of a 13-year-old boy and the film making skills to match, but people somehow treat him like a modern-day Kubrick. He has no idea how to translate the ideas into his head into something on a screen with believable, compelling characters. They're just cardboard stand-ins for his ideas. The fact that critics and audiences seem to just ignore or be unaware of that really annoys me when they are so many great, ambitious directors making amazing movies out there.

Nolan definitely has a particular "style" and I believe you and many other people obviously don't "get" his movies. And I don't mean you're too stupid to get it, I just mean they don't resonate with you. Which is fine, I also don't "get" some other movies (or music since we're in a music forum) that people consider masterpieces. Everyone appreciates different aspects of every art form. The funny part is that people who don't like him feel this overwhelming need to defend their opinion, and for them to compensate for all the hype he gets they start making exaggerated claims, much like what you just did when you pretty much called him a hack.
Nolan definitely has a particular "style" and I believe you and many other people obviously don't "get" his movies. And I don't mean you're too stupid to get it, I just mean they don't resonate with you. Which is fine, I also don't "get" some other movies (or music since we're in a music forum) that people consider masterpieces. Everyone appreciates different aspects of every art form. The funny part is that people who don't like him feel this overwhelming need to defend their opinion, and for them to compensate for all the hype he gets they start making exaggerated claims, much like what you just did when you pretty much called him a hack.

I just think the things I mentioned- "big ideas, small characters"- are common to every single film he's made and are essentially indisputable by any fair-minded critic who's seen enough movies to have a decent grasp of the craft. It's a characteristic of his style, like it or not. Coppola did something similar in Apocalypse Now. I just don't think Nolan does it at all well. And beyond that, while I'd like to think that, like Coppola, it's a deliberate decision, the really cheesy, stilted dialogue in Interstellar and plot holes kind of make that an impossibility for me. I think it's just because he doesn't develop his ideas fully enough. I know there are Nolan-haters out there who hate him just because, but I have a lot of reasons for it. I can't think of any other directors I feel the same way about.

tl;dr if it seemed deliberate and well-crafted I could get behind his style and it would resonate with me because I totally see what he's shooting for, but the sloppiness makes it seem not deliberate and not well-crafted so I can't enjoy it.
I just think the things I mentioned- "big ideas, small characters"- are common to every single film he's made and are essentially indisputable

If by that you mean that in his movies his "big ideas" and the overall story tend to overshadow the characters, then I agree. Apparently, these "big ideas", an interesting and mind bending story (with plot holes and all, which are always present in any kind of complex story, sometimes more sometimes less), the awesome visuals and soundtrack are enough for me to overlook the not-so-realistic dialogue/characters as you say, and I'm not the only one. Although, he is responsible for what most people consider one of the best villains that has appeared on screen.

Anyway, whatever his weaknesses are as a writer/director, there are also a lot of stuff that he does right and unlike anyone else. Personally, I'm not a movie critic (or even fair-minded it seems) so I don't care to analyze what he does right and what he does wrong, I prefer to take it at face value. All I know is that watching his movies is always a unique experience for me.

Also, just out of curiosity, can you tell me some of the "many great, ambitious directors making amazing movies" in the last 2-3 years that movie critics seem to ignore? All I see are dozens of superhero movies, remakes, reboots, sequels, "based on a true story" movies etc. I'm really sick of all that, Nolan at least dares to make movies that are different, original, ambitious and unpredictable.
There are three Mad Max films with Gibson..

I know there are three you should've read my first post. Here's a portion of it

kaomao said:
But this is a pussy movie, not about a fucking pissed off dude like it was for the first three.

Anyway dude I don't count the one with tina turner.. I'm way too much a fan of the first two to like that third one.
After seeing it yesterday I kinda agree. The movie it´s just one long car/truck chase with a lot of action.

The film it´s great for a action movie, it´s like The Expendables if you can shut off your brain you might enjoy a lot.

But if you want something more it´s quite weak, the story is dumb as fuck, the characters have no background, develoment and mad max wasnt even necessary for the movie because the story doesnt even go around his character. So, for the real fans who want a real story with mad max on it, this will probably sucks balls indeed.