made a wee lil video when recording some demos

Aye mate! I learnt that lesson quickly! :lol:

Yeah I'm using Studio One Pro. It is fantastic.

Obviously only fantastic when I'm not being a spastic retard with downs syndrome and aids.
Nice, has the album been released yet? I remember downloading something of yours but it might've been the compilation of sludgy bands you guys put together, which was also damn good btw.
Hopefully it wasn't our album on a bittorrent site! :lol:

We've got our first album out there in the wild. Working on our second album right now, just finishing up some writing and recording some reference demos. We're due to record drums in April I reckon. Possibly a little earlier.
Yeah man, fosho. We'll be making little tidbits of videos here and there as we go along, and a proper recording diary when we start the album.