Made som kick-samples. Wich ones do you like the most?


Oct 5, 2003

I sampled a Pearl kickdrum with two sets of microphones after doing my best to tune it.
The combinations where:

Beta91 (beater) + Beta52 (hole)
Beyer M88 (beater) + Neumann TLM103 (hole)

I used API mic preamps and no EQ.
Mics are placed in two separate files, so just align the two files, add separate eq and blend to taste.

Wich mic combination do you like the most, just curious...?

I also made six hits of each so it's possible to make multisamples if anyone wanna...
Dude you wrote something wrong here or in the files. They don't match correct. The first file is called Beta52 and TLM, but it's wtih one hole and one beater mic.
Please tell us what's what.

Here's one sample I made with some processing and using 3 of the mics (both hole and one beater I guess). Unfortunatly other hole hits can't blend together that well. So I'll try something a little bit later.
Just doublechecked and everything is fine.

Just anlign the two track vertically in a multitrack app and press play. Six fiirst hits are 52/91...last six hits are 103/88