Magrudergrind - Magrudergrind
Willowtip Records
By PuddaWudda UKMU
2009 was a year which proved to be pivotal and profitable for the frighteningly fast (and not much else ) genre of grind, with the fastest and most frightening sounds coming from the citizens of the United States; Agoraphobic Nosebleed and Trap Then both unleashing albums well worth parting money for. Magrudergrind exploded out of next to nowhere with the release if their self-titled like a shark attack from the deep, and their aural feeding frenzy left a trail of blood which will be floating about for a while yet.
Coming from the powerviolence school of songwriting, Magrudergrind perfect the art of fast-forwarding a regular album then meticulously tweaking and reconstructing it to up the extremity to a new, overdriven level. Its not like the out and out speed freak approach hasnt been done before though, and what separates Magrudergrind is the real natural feel of the music. Riff after riff pinned down and stretched out over a rack of drums, hook after hook which get lodged in your cheek and dont come out easy, bait for those aforementioned sharks, and each song is splitting at the sides with them in disregard to the verse/chorus conformity and more in tune with the natural flow and direction. Why stick to traditional song structure when you can cram it full of interesting bits? Each track is a sixty second objective to devastate, let off fireworks in a nursery and create the soundtrack from the carnage, with Rubiks cube riffing and a nod to hardcore with Avi Kulawys screeching vocals.
Interspersed with samples are way too frequent and lengthy for comfort, while unwanted they make serve a purpose in making you fidget for your next fix, which can hardly be called a bad thing. The Hussein Bolt antics just keep coming, when out of the blue comes the industrial strength sludge n roll monster of Bridge Burners, worrying in that it has the capability to make people slam and stomp so hard it causes earthquakes in far flung places on the other side of the world. The album highlight by a long shot, along with the complete sounding Built To Blast, for the futures sake, I truly hope that theyre not one offs. Bringing to together the four opposite points of the compass together, groove and grind, noise and clarity thanks to a frankly magnificent production job all credit due to Kurt Ballou, the resulting product is one worth dying for. Branded way too extreme for the mainstream and dismissed as noise by the kids for the kids by the old guard, there isnt a massive audience for Magrudergrind, but with Magrudergrind, its only a few steps below a genre classic, and thats something not worth missing.
Official Magrudergrind Myspace
Official Willowtip Records Website
Willowtip Records
By PuddaWudda UKMU

2009 was a year which proved to be pivotal and profitable for the frighteningly fast (and not much else ) genre of grind, with the fastest and most frightening sounds coming from the citizens of the United States; Agoraphobic Nosebleed and Trap Then both unleashing albums well worth parting money for. Magrudergrind exploded out of next to nowhere with the release if their self-titled like a shark attack from the deep, and their aural feeding frenzy left a trail of blood which will be floating about for a while yet.
Coming from the powerviolence school of songwriting, Magrudergrind perfect the art of fast-forwarding a regular album then meticulously tweaking and reconstructing it to up the extremity to a new, overdriven level. Its not like the out and out speed freak approach hasnt been done before though, and what separates Magrudergrind is the real natural feel of the music. Riff after riff pinned down and stretched out over a rack of drums, hook after hook which get lodged in your cheek and dont come out easy, bait for those aforementioned sharks, and each song is splitting at the sides with them in disregard to the verse/chorus conformity and more in tune with the natural flow and direction. Why stick to traditional song structure when you can cram it full of interesting bits? Each track is a sixty second objective to devastate, let off fireworks in a nursery and create the soundtrack from the carnage, with Rubiks cube riffing and a nod to hardcore with Avi Kulawys screeching vocals.
Interspersed with samples are way too frequent and lengthy for comfort, while unwanted they make serve a purpose in making you fidget for your next fix, which can hardly be called a bad thing. The Hussein Bolt antics just keep coming, when out of the blue comes the industrial strength sludge n roll monster of Bridge Burners, worrying in that it has the capability to make people slam and stomp so hard it causes earthquakes in far flung places on the other side of the world. The album highlight by a long shot, along with the complete sounding Built To Blast, for the futures sake, I truly hope that theyre not one offs. Bringing to together the four opposite points of the compass together, groove and grind, noise and clarity thanks to a frankly magnificent production job all credit due to Kurt Ballou, the resulting product is one worth dying for. Branded way too extreme for the mainstream and dismissed as noise by the kids for the kids by the old guard, there isnt a massive audience for Magrudergrind, but with Magrudergrind, its only a few steps below a genre classic, and thats something not worth missing.
Official Magrudergrind Myspace
Official Willowtip Records Website