Mags, you twisted ol' bastard


Aug 31, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
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How's shit, man? You been digging in metal's underside and finding any new cool bands? I have to admit, for all the promos I get, most of the stuff I'm heairng is redundant and boring.

Though, if you haven't heard Lost Horizon, check 'em out. They do it right, a touch of old school with a modern, agressive attitude. Not power metal, heavy metal.

Anyhow, what's shaking in OZ? Catch you later, man
I agree, i get promos and samplers like mad, and 2 or 3 songs is tops.....most of teh samplers i get have 16 to 20 songs.

i think i sent MAGS a sampler with LOST sounds very familiar......

yeah, i know, im not mags.......
That's okay, you're ledmag and one of the few old schoolers who remembers his original handle. Did you hear Danzig says he's going to start "The Black Fest" or something like that. It'll be like Ozzfest, but instead of sucking, he's going to include actually good, cutting edge extreme bands instead of corporate rock crap. He says Ozzfest is a fucking joke, something I tend to agree with him on.
The Ozzfest is getting to be a joke.Most of the acts they have this yr. aren't evern metal-I think Andrew w.k. is gonna be on the mainstage.The Lostprophets were gonna be there,too,except I think they got out or something.That Chris Cornell/remaining members of Rage Against the Machine project was gonna be on there but the spontaniously combusted or something and that band would've sucked major ass anyway.The tour has actually had some pretty good bands on it in the past-Godsmack,Pantera,BlackSabbath,Marilyn Manson and some others.But this year is just'll probobly get worse,Limp Bizkit already played one year.I can just imagine Eminem or Kid Rock playing the Ozzfest one year.Glenn Danzig's "Black Fest" sounds like the savoir of summer metal festivals,however.
I can dig Marylin Manson, but Black Sabbath should have stayed retired. With the exception of System of a Down, there's honestly nothing in the way of mainstream "metal" I can stand. I like Phil Anselmo's other bands (Eibon, Down, Viking Crown, et al) but haven't had much use for Pantera for a long time. Ozzfest is a pay to play (something like five grand plus per band) so the bands are either corporate whore bands, or bands under Sharon's management. It's not getting to be a joke, it's been a joke since day one in my book. It's about money, not music.
Yup, any idea usually becomes some corporate ploy in a matter of time. These days, it takes about a week for an idea to get purchased by some megacorporation and then to start severely sucking.

Woodstock 99, what a joke. Anything that has Fred FUCKING Durst and Limp Bizkit is guaranteed to be a piece of shit.
Yes, Glenn is trying to get that sort of thing going.

We are going to see him in JUNE. He was having MARDUK, they couldnt make it.....but he has one more extreme band with him(cant rememebr the damn name)

Otep is going to be at OZZFEST this year. I like them alot. They are sort of NU but with a trwist. Its a gilr vox band, and she is fucken GOOD i tell ya. At times, if you didnt know, you would think she was a HE.
I have a promo of the cd by OTEP. The full length is due out this month.

AND i agree, OZZFEST is a joke. a money racket for SHARON and OZZ.

And your right, the new songs by SAB were awful.
JIMBO>>have you tried out SUPERJOINT RITUAL yet? A Phil band that kicks some major ass.

ENNOC is another one with phil. I have heard a snipit, and i cant decide if its good or shit.
Yeah, I've heard Superjoint Ritual. Some of the best stuff I've heard from Phil in a long time. He needs to get off his ass and get the Eibon project Satyr and Fenriz done. Good shit.
I am getting SO damn sick of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne!I mean,it isn't their fault that the show of theirs is so awful,But they are everywhere on MTV and it's the most annoying thing.I bet the Ozzfest this year is going to be the highest grossing festival this summer and in the tour's history.Not only because of the multitude of MTV and radio friendly performers but because so many ppl watch the Osbournes and want to pretend that they are "cool" by getting into Ozzy's music and trying to pretend that they are "metal":Puke: And,damnit,Ozzy's music isn't even that good!The new stuff totally sucks ass especially "Dreamer",has anyone heard that song?I am just hoping that Glen's Black Fest thing stops in Md so I'll be able to go to a good concert.I wish I could've gone to Ozzfest when it was actually a METAL festival.Good thing Otep was on it last year,they're incredible.They wouldn't be on the Black Fest,would they?Naw,I doubt it.
hey OTEP are there this yr too. I love the sounds of taht band..that girl can SING i tell you. She is AGREESSIVE. I have a promo, the new one is out this month.

I agree, OZZ is overrated. The new one BLOWS chunks just lik ethat smily you got up there. He is teh KANG of trends. If its a trend train, OZZ is all aboard. CHOO CHOO. hahahha
It is kinda mean to be totally bashing Ozzy like this,but I had a lot more respect for him before the Osbournes show on MTV.You've gotta give credit where it's due,though-if Ozzy hadn't gotten together w/Tony Iommi,Bill Ward and Terry Butler,there would not have been any Black Sabbath and then there would be no heavy metal(or it would've come much later or be a lot more different than it is today).And the Ozzfest was one of the first all heavy metal festivals.The tour helped to get a lot of newer metal bands(such as Otep,who are fucking awesome)get out and play to large audiences of ppl before they even had record deals.At this poont,I'm not sure which annoys me more-The Osbournes or the Ozzfest.Ozzy has gone far down-hill and just keeps getting pathetic.MTV sticks it's ugly face into everything and fucks Ozzy up more and more.
Yeah, i love sab, ONLY OZZ ERA. I have a lot of solo OZZ stuff, but IMO, he isnt that good with out Toni, GEEZ and BILL backing him up, not to mention geezers lyrics work very well for OZZ.. Im not crazy about post ozz sab. Its weird AINT it. hahahha. ANd i have almost always felt this way about ozz and trends. I dont feel as though we are baggin him, i feel like we are just speaking the truth that other ppl refuse to say. These days, if you dig ozz, your almost trendy you know. Now if something is a trend, and you like it, IMO that does not make you a trend follower. But ozz, he just seems to jump on what ever is big at the moment.

I checked into the show on MTV one time, it seemed to me that they were puttin on just for the camera.