Woods III 'Deepest & Darkest' Lyrics Thread

^ Ah yes. When I actually read the idea in conjunction with the full title, it puts a new meaning to "The Relief that Nothing Can Be Done"... interesting. I also really liked the imagery of putting your hands over your mouth, as if to like, impede speech or whatever, and then running to tell someone, the exact opposite, dunno if that was done on purpose. Though I never thought of it as being a positive thing too, thats really cool, thanks.
coming from ssm ontario.. the your ontario town lyrics hit home entirely for me. everything dave said in the track is true.
"Inspired by hopelessness
From where my discontent once began
I miss the nature and the wilderness
But not the people there"
^ Haha. I'm hoping to do a tab of Your Ontario Town when I get the time... which probably won't be until the summer.
DG, I really enjoy the lyrics to End of Tradition

Was this inspired by an old girlfriend, or a former mate?

Originally no, but that's how it turned out, so yes let's just say 'those and then some'. Even more accurately, everything and everyone, all at once. The end of all that was. This one is actually very complicated and ironic to explain. Too soon to do it now, but it will all come out eventually and make sense someday.

+ Thanks for listening man! :kickass:
I like the lyrics for "The Northern Cold" the most. I listen to the CD every day in my car to and from work and those lyrics just get better and better every time you here em.:kickass::kickass::kickass:
I have to admit, I find some of the lyrics hard to relate, being as I live a bit of a distance from Canada, and there's no snow in my city and so on. But, that being said, I don't have to relate to it to enjoy and respect it. Probably my favorite is Distractions Of Living Alone - at least for now.
Distractions Of Living Alone are probably my favourite lyrics from the album, then I'd say Song Of Redemption.