Maiden management enforcing deletion of fan photos online?

Apparently there's been hundreds of fan photos deleted off Photobucket due to an enforcement by Maiden. Just giving people a head's up to back up any photos they might have online and not have another copy of. It's really kicked off on their boards and quite rightly so I think. Completely ridiculous!

Huh? What they do - email a scary letter to fans and got them to delete the photos? That makes no sense - you got a link to their forum?

I'd love to know which law they are using.

Unless the pictures were captured by professional equipment at the concerts then they can contro them, once the image is captured even the police cannot force you to delete an image without a court order. Unauthorised deletion of an image itself becomes a crime in the UK akin to mugging as its theft of personal property. I dont see why or how Maiden can demand the removal of fan captured images. If it was a copyrighted image then yes.

Oh Dear maiden.

EDIT: I had a quick search around, and it seems to be album covers, posters and t-shirts that are being removed, I may be wrong. But this IS copyrighted material and Maiden are within their rights to have it removed.
EDIT: I had a quick search around, and it seems to be album covers, posters and t-shirts that are being removed, I may be wrong. But this IS copyrighted material and Maiden are within their rights to have it removed.

In that way of thinking, that means photos of people wearing the shirts should be deleted to cos it contains copyrighted material. At what point does it stop really??

One of the first posts in the IMOC thread says..."I had photos removed from photobucket too, one (photo) was just crazy - it was a sign in front of the club Paul Di'Anno played in Jacksonville. It said "former singer of Iron Maiden" could that have been a legal issue? He WAS a former singer for Iron Maiden... this is just insane."

It looks to be more than just the album covers.
So that tells me that anyone with the caption of ironMaiden will probably get their picture pulled.

I agree its not just album covers, although I did find the killers album cover still on there.

If I take a photograph of somethign that does not detail copyrighted material, I have the rights to post the picture where I see fit.
Taking an image of a plaque obviously aimed at tourism is not taking a picture of copyrighted material.
This leads me to beleive that Photobucket have been heavy handed or imposed their search in a rather draconian style. But then again, it could also link back to the wording the legal team sent. Removal of all iron maiden copyrighted material.......

......having said that ironmaiden holdings seem to be rather lax in their interpretation of what is and what isnt fair. resulted in a court case, citing "Ironmaiden have been a succesfull band since 1975". Well the ironmaiden was a torture device used before 1975 so I suggest iron maiden cease and desist the use of their name. pfffftttt :Smug:

We have to remember that ironmaiden holdings are a corporation setup to look after the interests of the group, they are not necessarily the group. They also dont necessarily represent the views of the group themselves.

Remember ironmaiden holdings announced publically that Iron maiden were going to leave sanctuary.
IN today's age, ISP's and Websites are the new police. A website can get one complaint from a big company and will cancel you in a heartbeat rather than devote valuable manpower ($$) to investigate it. A lot of companies are like this when you use FREE accounts. They do this because their revenue is from these companies NOT these users. It could've just simply been IM complaining about one pciture that started this - no idea.

