Maiden winding down or profiteering or both?


Jul 2, 2003
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I note with the announcement of the Dance of Death tour dates, Rod Smallwood states that Maiden won't be doing any more arean tours ever again after this and encourages people to go to this tour in case they never come to your city again.

This strikes me as being in a similar vein to the recent "limited edition" releases, which then went on general release shortly afterwards.

I hate to say it but recent moves by Maiden under the management of Rod Smallwood really strike me as profiteering and I don't like it one bit. Maiden have always been about the fans and now it seems they are using the fan loyalty for profit more and more obviously.

What do you think?

Edit: Oh look they also released a "limited edition" Dance of Death T-shirt. What is it with this limited edition crap they are pulling these days?
Rainking said:
Edit: Oh look they also released a "limited edition" Dance of Death T-shirt. What is it with this limited edition crap they are pulling these days?

It's limited edition, because after making one shirt, the printer said "what the fuck is this ugly piece of shit?" and refused to make anymore.

Or at least I hope that's the reason. There is no possible way Iron Maiden should be attempting to make any money whatsoever off a piece of toss like that T shirt
Rod Smallwood has ALWAYS been the manager of Maiden. I think a lot of the stuff that comes out is due to the record company - it probably annoys the band as much as it annoys us. I genuinely believe Steve is a genuinely nice guy and I don't think he'd be doing stuff simply to cash in on the loyal fans. And although it pisses me off they're bringing out the metal boxset again, who cares if the value drops? I'm not planning on ever selling it anyway, just like I've still got all my vinyl "First Ten Years" 12"s.
I know rod smallwood has always been their manager, my point was he seems to be the driving force behind the profiteering from the fans in recent years.
I don't see why it's that big of a deal, 9 months isn't that long of a break really.

I figure hey, if they're gonna tour and come here, then great, if not, great, but it doesn't mean I'm going to get into a panic and pay a ridiculous amount to go see them.

Yes, going to Maiden shows is wonderful, and I'd love to go to more, but at the rate life is going, why bother? I haven't been to a concert for two years and I haven't died or gotten cancer or tapeworms or leprosy, I think I'll be ok.

As for the limited edition DOD teeshirts, WTF? I wouldn't wear that. Sorry, I'm a Maiden FAN not a SHEEP.
This is certainly the end of Maiden. Their popularity is winding down in the States to the point where they have to skip entire sections of the Country. Another 5 years they will have to play in clubs, "civic centers", and fairgrounds. As unfair as it seems, if your not big in the United States, your not going to be huge across the world. The USA is a barometer for popular entertainment. Iron Maiden wants money and lots of it. Bruce wasn't doing so swift with his solo career, and Maiden was sliding with Blaze. The idea to reunite was a business decision. If this business decision is no longer very profitable, the business of Iron Maiden is over.

In fact, we could be near the end of traditional heavy metal as we know it. Popularity-wise anyway. With Maiden, Priest and Motorhead aging what do we have left? You'd have to be crazy if you think these bands on Century Media, Nuclear Blast and those other semi-indy labels will ever headline an arena tour in the US. Enjoy it while you can.
ummm call me a sheep if you want but I disagree with you all. I think the label is responsible for all of it and not the band. Oh and that crack of how maiden an't what it used to be. thats bullshit man Brave new world is one of their best ever.
I read an interview about the Eddies archive set being rereleased with either Nicko or Steve and they didn't know anything about it. They weren't happy with it coming out again either.
You don't have to be big in the states to be big elsewhere. :)

The problem is that there are all these fucking sheep out there that will buy any old rag with the Maiden logo. As long as there are punters with more cash than brains there will be a happy record exec with a big fat wallet. :) I don't buy any of this shit for that very reason - most of it is shit. :)