Maiden winding down or profiteering or both?

For me the simple fact is; I don't care what merc they decide to sell. If I like it I'll buy it and if I don't like it I won't buy it. They can only profit off of what people actually buy..not just anything they decide to release.

The last cool T-shirt of theirs was Somewhere in Time.
:rolleyes: I'd agree with that. I wouldn't mind owning 10 Maiden live records if they all had different songs but they don't. It's the same old HBTN, RttH IM etc. Yeah, they're the classics but do we really need all those live versions? How about a different song like Flash of the Blade or Caught Somewhere in Time?
dreamwatch said:
You don't have to be big in the states to be big elsewhere. :)

The problem is that there are all these fucking sheep out there that will buy any old rag with the Maiden logo. As long as there are punters with more cash than brains there will be a happy record exec with a big fat wallet. :) I don't buy any of this shit for that very reason - most of it is shit. :)


I honestly have no clue how anyone can conciously release any kind of merchandise with the stupid baby on the wolf logo. It's absolutely disgusting and makes me really sad. I hope it's a joke.

I know I'm not buying it, just for a 'chance' to get a Maiden autograph. What a load of bollocks.
Lamia The Great said:
I know I'm not buying it, just for a 'chance' to get a Maiden autograph. What a load of bollocks.

That's ok. You can travel half way across the world to see them play at an outdoor festival in either the pissing rain or suffocating heat. Then after seeing the band on a video screen, or being crushed to death in the pit, you can drag yourself towards the bus and say to Steve:

"Please sir, I want some more."

Well, you get the point...
Yeah, pretty much.

I've seen em twice and I was very lucky to be at the front the first time. I'm not sure it'll ever be as great as that was again, but at least I had the chance.

I just wish the powers that be would get their heads out of their asses and release something of quality that is actually worth buying. All the shirts I have are from older tours except the Ed Hunter and BNW shirts, which I hardly wear.
Rainking said:
I know rod smallwood has always been their manager, my point was he seems to be the driving force behind the profiteering from the fans in recent years.
Rod doesn't make arbitrary decisions for the band, Steve does!
Do you really think Maiden is out to rip off their fans and are in this now just for the profit?

If you do then the bolts in your neck require tightening.
Ophelia Crack said:
Rod doesn't make arbitrary decisions for the band, Steve does!
Do you really think Maiden is out to rip off their fans and are in this now just for the profit?

If you do then the bolts in your neck require tightening.

Please get a clue what you are talking about before insulting people, as clearly currently you have no idea. Thanks.
Ophelia Crack said:
Rod doesn't make arbitrary decisions for the band, Steve does!
Do you really think Maiden is out to rip off their fans and are in this now just for the profit?

If you do then the bolts in your neck require tightening.

Sorry hun but you obviosuly didn't read the thread properly.