Main Differences between Revalver MKIII and Revalver HP???


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Do any of you guys know the big differences between Revalver HP and MKIII?

I'm wondering if Revalver HP can still be used as a plug-in like MKIII or is it just a line6 gearbox standalone type of deal.

I mean MKIII is $240 and HP is $69

If I am going to be paying that much more for a lot more impulses (which id use the ones from here anyways), a few other non-peavey amp models and some other random stomp box and FX that I'd just get the HP version.

I'm guessing that you cant use it as a Plug-in and that's why its a lot less expensive but i was just wondering if you guys could confirm this.
HP is just a stripped down version of MKIII. It's ONLY the Peavey amps, all or most of the tweaking is not available. The impulse module only has 75 pre-loaded impulses, and you cannot load your own impulses. It can be used both standalone and as a plug-in like MKIII.

I think that's the only differences, or at least the main ones that made me decide to buy the full version.

Of course, I assume you could always disable all internal cab simulation and load Boogex in the next insert spot, but maybe they don't let you get just a preamp signal...
HP is just a stripped down version of MKIII. It's ONLY the Peavey amps, all or most of the tweaking is not available. The impulse module only has 75 pre-loaded impulses, and you cannot load your own impulses. It can be used both standalone and as a plug-in like MKIII.

Yeah thats exactly it.. Its basically Revalver and Revalver light..
Yeah I'm pretty sure you can just disable the IR module actually...I don't see why you couldn't. Then you could load kefir, SIR/SIR2 or Boogex or any other impulse plug after RevHP and just load an impulse into that so that you can use your own. But...the tweakability still isn't there on the amp itself, which IMO is necessary, it sounds good to begin with, a lot better than anything Line6 offers as a default tone that's for DAMN sure. But to get the best sound you really need to tweak the amp, the input voltage needs to be boosted for EMGs and I'm LOVING the sound of a 6505 with a Flathill (Recto) "Red" tonestack right now and changing the output to a 6V6GT...mmmmmmmmm. I'm ordering MKIII today through GC since the guy I always go to at the store here said he will let me return GearBox even though it is open so that's $100 off :)
