Major news with the Metal CD Ratings site!


Power Metal fan
Aug 22, 2004
Utah, USA
Major news...

Additional reviewers have joined the site, and the content has doubled!

If you haven't been to the site for awhile, I recommend checking out the added reviewers and content.

Thank you!

Some recent reviews:
Silent Force - Worlds apart
Primal Fear - Devil's ground
Astral Doors - Of the son and of the father
Predator - s/t

Erik said:
Yeah, because as we all know, it isn't the content but the fucking DESIGN that counts.

your right, the sad part is i cant click on the review what content? well then thank you for being an idiot.
Abraxas - Tomorrow's world 4.5/5 (overlooked progressive power metal from early 90's with terrific songs, featuring vocalist Chris Clauke of Mania fame) - JOHN
Afterworld - Connecting animals 2/5 (lesser 2nd CD from this power metal band with gruff vocals) - JOHN
Ambermoon - Facing the storm 3/5 (promising debut EP of Italian power metal) - JOHN
Anguish - Symmetry 1.5/5 (ultimately forgettable progressive metal debut) - JOHN
Backslash - Insanity 3/5 (good power metal similar to Warlock, especially with the vocals) - JOHN

That aint content. doesnt explain anything about the album. A real review is a person talking about the the members of the band, comparison if there last album (if there is one) and etc...

i can just say 3.8 for iced earth too you know.
Erik said:
Alright, so why don't you just disregard the short opinions if they're uninteresting to you and read the actual full reviews, of which there are at least 50-60 at the moment?

k thanks i found them after a bit when they were down the website..see what i mean by the design? i clicked it right off if i didnt see what was pleasing to me for the first 1 minute.

just saying. nice site and the full reviews arent bad either.
Thanks for the replies guys, I'm glad you're able to figure the site out, and that it may be of some help to you.

It's important to understand that the site is designed to be a text filled information site that's easy to surf. If it's not easy for you to navigate through the site, then my site set-up job is not done, because that was my goal. :)
Erik, you may be the first one to publicly understand and explain my intentions
of the site --- thank you!

If you see potential in the site, and/or already find it helpful, make sure and watch the site, as the number of full reviews will certainly grow! ;)

Thanks for the input! :wave:

Clint-metalcdratings said:
Thanks for the replies guys, I'm glad you're able to figure the site out, and that it may be of some help to you.

It's important to understand that the site is designed to be a text filled information site that's easy to surf. If it's not easy for you to navigate through the site, then my site set-up job is not done, because that was my goal. :)
Erik, you may be the first one to publicly understand and explain my intentions
of the site --- thank you!

If you see potential in the site, and/or already find it helpful, make sure and watch the site, as the number of full reviews will certainly grow! ;)

Thanks for the input! :wave:


You only gonna review power metal? Not that there is anything wrong with that...
HardSide said:
You only gonna review power metal? Not that there is anything wrong with that...

Yes, the site will always focus on power metal. However:

---The site will drift a little to the beauty and the beast/gothic metal style, as bands like Nightwish, Oratory, Edenbridge, etc. start leading to bands like Elis, Delight, After Forever, etc.
---The site will also drift a little lighter than power metal to bands like Royal Hunt, and even more progressive bands like Evergrey and Redemption.
---The site will also include the heavier side of the genre for bands like Nevermore, Rage and Symphorce, and maybe slightly towards the more power metalish thrash bands like Overkill.

The strong points of the site will certainly be the middle range of power metal. Bands like Sonata Arctica, Angra, Kamelot, Rhapsody, etc.
Traditional power metal and heavy metal bands like King Diamond, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, UDO, etc. will also be included, as these are some of the tastes of a few of the reviewers.

Focusing on power metal will hopefully be one of the aspects that make the site unique. Sure the site will probably not appeal very much to those who aren't into power metal, but there are plenty of review sites that have reviews for ALL styles of metal.

I hope this helps... :)

You should so buy some proper hosting and get the markup sorted, but yeah go you, like Erik said it's not a bloated piece of flash shite like so many site are nowadays.
Personally I found the site to be totally redundant. I didn't go into any great detail admittedly, but I read the first full review I saw; Iced Earth's 'The Glorious Burden'

The bulk of the review related to the bands previous releases and members and then the rest of the review was vague and directionless.

Aside from that, I had a look at a few of the one line reviews (which could almost be written without listening to the CD) and disagreed with general ratings ..
Sure, Mansion of Metal is a cool site. There are hundreds of great metal sites and it's nice to see so many people helping out the metal world.

But the difference between the Mansion of Metal site (and many other site's), and the Metal CD Ratings site, is that the Metal CD Ratings site focuses on power metal only.

Understand that the number of reviews is only going to grow, so if you're a power metal fan, then i'm sure the site will be interesting. We will try our best to keep up on new releases and the site will hopefully be updated at a regular pace.
I think it's unfair to just pick one review (Iced Earth for example), and base your opinion on the site just off of that review. Read some more by that reviewer, and check out a few reviews of some of the other reviewers before deciding on the quality of the site. I personally think the majority of the reviews are great. Sure some are written better than others, but overall the reviews are above average easily in my mind. :)

I totally appreciate all of your input, and just make sure you've read the 3 or 4 replies i've done on this topic so you understand the intentions/set-up/goal of the site.

Thanks! :wave:

Gotta give you this, you defend the site and you clearly enjoy what your doing. Thats more then most of the sites (even bands) do these days.