Make ch0pzta a Firewind wallpaper


Master Of Puppets
Jan 10, 2008
Yep :rock:

Im requesting that someone please make me a really cool Firewind wallpaper for my PC desktop, all that i ask be on it is every band member and the Firewind logo, anything else is cool, all album covers, cool effect, whatever.

Hope you guys/girls can help :)

1280x1024 if possible, but the higher the better.

Sorry, I'm a complete retard with photoshop and such. I'm sure Kirsty can whip up something, just expect Apollo to be bigger than the rest... haha
Well kirsty, i could use a nice wallpaper too!!! nah, i'm kidding, don't lose your time on this... perhaps we should pay you! unless you got it ready!