make fun of Bush!

wow. no wonder ill never be a liberal. you fuckheads know nothing. bush has done a tremendous job lately, and its not like any of you could just waltz into the white house and just get the hang of it on the second of third day. jesus.
the economy has never been better, the stocks are up, and were getting out of recession and looking for a record breaking year in stocks. gold is almost surpassing the 400 dollar an ounce level. jobs are abundant, saddam isnt running loose, youve gotten your tax break.
maybe if the liberal hippocrites that fight so dearly for "affirmative action" and always throw down the race card would really sit back and look at whats going on, we wouldnt have this lack of communication.
and btw, comparing bush to hitler is rediculous. if bush was like anyone in wwII. it would be churchhill, for his devout leadership. NO one believed winston about germanys inpending threat when he warned them years before polands invasion. interesting. bush is warning all of us that terrorism needs to come to an end. at least he doesnt pussyfoot around the idea. why negociate with someone wanting to kill you? fuck that.
so there.