Make the typical, clear metal mix


May 24, 2009
Hey fellas,
I´m getting from day to day better with my mixes, furtunately ;-)

But the main thing I´m always struggleing is to make my mix more transparent, so that every instrument is good to see in the whole picture.

So how do you guys manage the frequency place of any instrument? Did you have a more radically approach dealing with EQs?

For example:
Drums sound good with bass-guitare and vocals. Guitares comes in (pan L-R) and mask the kick and snare too much.

Notching the Guitares????
You gotta eq the fighting instruments around each other to make them fit like a puzzle. I do it with the bass and the kick, the guitars and the snare, etc.
and remember. small adjustments make a big difference.
And also always remember that things may sound really good when solo'd, but that perfect sound is gonna change once it's in the mix. So don't mix guitars or bass while they are solo'd. It's ok to mix them solo'd if u want to start off with a desired sound, but in order to mold it around ur entire mix, make sure u mix them when hearing the full mix