Death metal vox on gearbox or podfarm


Jun 15, 2008
Any of u guys get good death metal vocal tones using gearbox or podfarm?
Meby samples from ur own mixes?

Last week i did a recording with this early 90's oldskool death metal band and they're pretty much older than i am. They like my mix though but im still not satisfied with the vocal outcomes. Thts y i make a request if any of u fellas did something great using these softwares for deep growl vocals.

I did make a death groove demo with this and a shure beta58A once. Don't have the clip with me right now.
It turned out pretty shitty considering the fact that there wasn't a pop-filter around.
man... everything sounds GREAT... guitars are great, vocal is great... it sounds veeeery pro to me...
but drums x) MAAAAAAAN i LOVE EM... x) x) x)
can you share any info on them? that kick and snare... man i always have trouble with snare...
been reading this forum for some time tried all kind of tips but i just cant make my snare like that, kick is coming somehow but not like yours x)
though i feel bad cause i cant give any tips to you guyz, cause you know much more than me, but i just want to learn something if i can, and here is so much great stuff to read, and its like embarising for asking anything without giving something, and there is probobly 100000 people like me x) draging you people... so if you would like to share anything it would be great if not thats great too x) ...
maybe i just can say that in your song only thing that doesnt sound PERFECT x) is that crash having constantly the same sound, and kick sound like that in one part, that fast double bass grovee x) ...
that is the only thing that is making me say these are not real drums... but i guess you knew that already...
anyway great work man! really badass production in my ears... all best!
Thanks a lot dude
unfortunately that version of that song was recorded with Drumkit From Hell so I no longer have any of the settings, as I upgraded to the Slate drums
which sound 10x better
Once I finish mixing the new version of that song I'll post it up and see what you guys think
Thanks for the compliments though dude:)
hey i was just telling whats on my mind x) :) cant belive this was done with DFH... now that you mentioned it, cymbals have that DFH sound i should suspect it... x)
but snare and kick man x) i would have to think it couple of times to say that is DFH x) hey anyway great stuff... wish i can afford SLATE x) but maaan i wish i can buy like ONE snare and like ONE kick x) or maybe few of them x) cant afford whole SET x) x)
hey good luck with new mix! i'll sure check it out!
all best mate! and sorry if my english is bad x)
I used a Shure beta sm58
but I've used other mics and it has always sounded good
I don't remember all of the mics I've ever used
I just know that the only thing that changes between them is the amount you high shelf in gearbox

Thanx a lot for the info dude.

Ive heard ur song.. awesome mix! :worship:

Did u ever try mixing the process vocal with DI vocal? I did tht couple of times on clean vocals. Works fine though.