ov Doom
I have Annihilation of the Wicked which I've always loved. I saw them on that tour. I need to look at some of their other stuff.
Oh yeah, Nile is a must. I love all their albums from the debut up to Those Whom the Gods Detest, you can't really go wrong. The two after that are a bit iffy, but do have some good stuff too, and the latest one is really good too.
Album summary:
Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka - Crazy good debut album; it's pretty short and to the point over all. Mostly just really good death metal, with some egyptian elements here and there.
Black Seeds of Vengeance - One of my personal favourites, but probably a difficult one to start off with. The production is an aquired taste I'd say, but this is where they really found their sound imo. Most atmospheric of all the Nile albums. I mean, can't go wrong with a song called "Masturbating the War God" really.
In Their Darkened Shrines - Along with Annihilation, this is a fan favourite album. Great blend of epic tracks, and tracks that just pummels you to death. This one has one of their most epic tracks in the entire discography - "Unas, Slayer of the Gods".
Annihilation of the Wicked - Their "hit album". Most people who don't really listen to Nile just stop here for some reason, but I also definitely understand the praise for it, as it's a fantastic album in its own right.
Ithyphallic - Many fans had some problems with this album at release, including me, but it has grown since then. I think following up on AotW was the biggest problem honestly, and the production isn't quite as good. Probably one of the easier ones to get into as a new fan though.
Those Whom the Gods Detest - This one really surprised me after Ithyphallic. My favourite Nile album in terms of production, and some fantastic songs on this one, like "4th Arra of Dagon" and "Iskander D'hul Karnon".
At the Gate of Sethu - This is where Nile tried to change up some things intentionally, like changing production style and adding a new vocal style. I'd say most fans aren't very fond of this one. It does have some good stuff on it though.
What Should not be Unearthed - ...and this is where they probably thought they would play it safe instead. For me, this is the most mediocre Nile album. Their long time lead vocalist, Dallas, left after this one as well.
Vile Nilotic Rites - I think many where a bit worried about this one, but it turned out really well. With two new members, there is definitely also new energy to be found on this one. Production is once again really good, and lots of good songs on here too.
Anyway, TL;DR - I'm a Nile fanboy. Hope you enjoy something