Reco: Ossein - Declination


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Sep 4, 2003

Ossein - Declination
self-produced - 2008

This one is courtesy of Crimson Death, who forwarded me a link out of the blue a couple months ago. Here a statement from the band: "Ossein is the new project of Nile Bowie, former member of Symphonic Black Metal band Northern Myst. Ossein promotes a vegan lifestyle, spirituality, the use of natural drugs & substances, and a liberal political view." Rings a bell? Well, for a fact Declination bears similarities to WITTR in the long-winded, panoramic compositions, though their actual sound hovers somewhere between Weakling and old Alcest. An opaque, yet tasteful blend of harsh, intense guitar work, subtle atmospheres and many-sided vocal input. There's something of giant scope at work in those three tracks, that needs to be explored further in subsequent releases.

01. Divinity Was Born Between Blue Wings
02. A Fool Sees Not The Same Tree That A Wise Man Sees
03. The Road To Awe
In this song I didn't hear any Weakling, but I can see what you mean with the comparison to Alcest. I really don't know what to think of the song, it almost is like it's too forced. Perhaps this is clearer throughout the album?

I'd definitely be up for listening to this album as a whole before judging it. It seems quite dense.
i dont even need to check to know that this band is american
swizzlenuts I was drunk Thursday night in a pub and met someone that really looks like you, it was.. weird


Am I imagining?
drunk indeed :zombie: :loco: ^^

Good recco ellestin. The song took a little while to get going, but after the interlude at around five minutes, the track really takes off. The spoken word, with the harsh vocals over that riff was a highlight. Some definite sweet riffs during the last few minutes as well. As swizzle said, not sure where the weakling is, but i DO get a French feel to some of the riffs. I shall have to investigate the band further! :cool: