make up gain / compression

make-up gain can be used as an indicator of "how much" compression is being applied to a signal, if you compare the compressed signal and the bypassed signal. so yes, if you're asking what i think you're asking. if you're asking if make-up gain is used to add extra gain to a signal, then personally no.
only use it to get back any overall volume you lost after applying compression. As was said, A/B the signal with the bypass and adjust your makeup gain until your about the same volume with the plugin active as it is when bypassed. For anything else, use your track fader

in some situations if I've done volume automation through a track and I feel that overall it should just be a little louder, rather than select all my auto points and bringing them up by a little I'll just kick up the makeup gain on a compressor by a db or so.
only use it to get back any overall volume you lost after applying compression. As was said, A/B the signal with the bypass and adjust your makeup gain until your about the same volume with the plugin active as it is when bypassed. For anything else, use your track fader

in some situations if I've done volume automation through a track and I feel that overall it should just be a little louder, rather than select all my auto points and bringing them up by a little I'll just kick up the makeup gain on a compressor by a db or so.

I'm far from a pro, but the one area I have been using compression the MOST is in my bass guitar, where I find myself compressing the shit out of it. I'm usually at a ratio close to 20:1 with a threshold around -30db. But, I'm sure as time goes on, I'll change those figures too.