making fun of josh is fun (and easy)


Overly-Cryptic Jake
indieradioisdead: did josh show you this?
FuSoYa: heheno!
indieradioisdead: crazy
indieradioisdead: look at the pics
FuSoYa: k
FuSoYa: WOW, awesome. where did josh find that?
FuSoYa: does he ike search for dino mummies during the day or something?
indieradioisdead: he does anything
indieradioisdead: i guess... you know he is a nerd
indieradioisdead: you look for NES roms, he looks for dinomummies
FuSoYa: heheh!
FuSoYa: "i wonder if anything has happened in the field of dinosaur mummification today"
FuSoYa: google: dino +hotep
indieradioisdead: BWWHAHAHAHA
indieradioisdead: "boy, i've searched for toy pics all day... maybe i should be a big boy and look for some dinosaur news"
FuSoYa: bwahah
Originally posted by deadair
indieradioisdead: "boy, i've searched for toy pics all day... maybe i should be a big boy and look for some dinosaur news"
FuSoYa: bwahah

except, perhaps josh casually glanced at BCO, where there were multiple threads of this thing...

in fact, glanced at BCO with a slightly slower speed than you did, because it took a while for him to notice it...

and what i mean, specifically, by mentioning you name, is the ease and elegance with which you spotted my appreciation thread for you, jacob, dear boy...

I believe this thread puts this board over the limit of 1 Dinosaur thread per UM Board.

This has been noted, and your shenanigans will be reflected on your progress report at the end of the semester.

Gwah! That thread was on BCO? You punk, jake! I sent it to my friend over AIM, and if she has already seen it on BCO, she is going to think I'm an unoriginal tool! THANKS DUDE!