Making sweet ass vocal


New Metal Member
Aug 16, 2009
Poughkeepsie, Ny
I have no idea how to make the sick ass vocal swells that sound like the vocalist is kind of breathing in.

Prime example - Attack Attack's "Sexual Man Chocolate" approx. 1:54 in.

Any help would be appreciated!
I guess my more precise question is...what the heck are they saying before they do the reverse reverb stuff? Everyone I've heard sounds the same and each time the singer is yelling a different word leading into it. It's very confusing.
I guess my more precise question is...what the heck are they saying before they do the reverse reverb stuff? Everyone I've heard sounds the same and each time the singer is yelling a different word leading into it. It's very confusing.

The word its leading into.
I wouldn't ever even think of reversing a different word into the line of a song.
Just seems weird.
what i do is this.

slap a tasty reverb on an aux track... record the aux post processing 100% wet.

*reverse the newly recorded reverb region. (say that three times fast). :lol:

slice the reversed reverb phrases and edit them so that they are reflecting the dry vocals phrasing. (if you reverse the entire region it will result in switching the start and end point of the region).