malaysian flight crash

is this the plane that was missing some time ago or is it another one?

Nope, another one. Just really terrible luck on Malaysian Airlines' part, unfortunately.

BTW, Eastern Ukraine is not really considered a "war zone" per se, which is precisely why there were flights going through it. It looks like pro-Russian paramilitary groups launched a Buk surface-to-air missile after mistaking it for a military aircraft, which is insanely stupid.
Saying this plane crashed is kind of like saying the World Trade Center tipped over.


You, sir, just about made me spit out my beer.

Slightly off topic - who here believes the Trade Center was an "inside job"? I have so many FB friends who are constantly posting shit about conspiracy shit and worrying about chemtrails etc.....Goddamnit, just live your life and enjoy it while you can, instead of worrying about everything and living life in misery.

You, sir, just about made me spit out my beer.

Slightly off topic - who here believes the Trade Center was an "inside job"? I have so many FB friends who are constantly posting shit about conspiracy shit and worrying about chemtrails etc.....Goddamnit, just live your life and enjoy it while you can, instead of worrying about everything and living life in misery.

It wasn't an inside job. You should remove your friends from your news feed.
I'm way more scared when I drive around in my car, people are mad
But I can totally understand your fear

Yeah, you're way more likely to die in a car accident than in an airplane. I remember being scared as shit of flying. Now I sleep in the plane like a baby.
A very unreliable source (journalists) say poutine's flight flew over the area 10mn earlier and was the actual target.

Now why would be purine flying over a known dangerous area ?