Soon out on Humanity's Plague Prod...
A mysterious entity from the shadows of France. A melancholic yet ceremonial beast that takes hopelessness and despair and makes it their crown of thorns upon a throne of pestilence. Gloomish, nightmarish and ritualistic all at the same time to give an identity that others may touch upon, that they claim as the integral focal point of their dark creations. For fans of the cast down, gloomy side of Merrimack, Gorgoroth and Azaghal.
A mysterious entity from the shadows of France. A melancholic yet ceremonial beast that takes hopelessness and despair and makes it their crown of thorns upon a throne of pestilence. Gloomish, nightmarish and ritualistic all at the same time to give an identity that others may touch upon, that they claim as the integral focal point of their dark creations. For fans of the cast down, gloomy side of Merrimack, Gorgoroth and Azaghal.
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