Malevolent Creation (feat. J. Murphy)


Thermonuclear Warrior
Dec 28, 2005
Hi James!

I noticed after all these years on the booklet of 'Retribution' that you play a lead on 'Coronation of our Domain'. The album is great, one of the best Florida-DM out there, in my opinion.

I was wondering if you can recall the sessions, what amps they used etc. and other funny trivia (I'm sure there's something:) )

To all of you, what do you think of Malevolent Creation?

I like their earlier stuff best (ie. their first two albums). Newer stuff is pretty good but it doesn't have the raw energetic feeling of the older albums. I think its mainly a production issue, at least for me.
axeman720 said:
retribution was def their best and one of the best of that era imo.

Totally agree. Retribution was a landmark album (for me and my metal friends, anyway). Crushing riffs, catchy vocals, incredible drumming, and a James cameo never hurts, right?

I thought the album had great production at the time, too.

My high school metal band opened up for them locally (Corona, CA), but it was right after Brett Hoffman and Alex Marquez left. Stillborn tour, maybe? Can't remember.

I'm like 99.9% sure it was Forbidden's "Distorton" tour, but that was many brain cells ago... I remembered those as seperate shows until I re-read Genius and metalkingdom's posts! I gotta try and dig up a flier now.

Ah, the good old days. :kickass:
"Retribution" is so fuckin' sick. Definitely one of the top of that genre. Every song kills. The intro alone is worthy of a death metal Grammy. Rob Barrett rules. James' solo is the shit. This was the first time I heard his playing, too. I always had a hard time trying to turn people on to this album, because they couldn't hear through the rawness.

I also saw them on that tour way back when with Forbidden, but in San Diego. I got drunk with Russ from Forbidden - what a cool dude. I bought everyone in Malevolent a round of shots except for that one crybaby racist guy....
that session was part of two albums done back to back at morrisound, both featuring Alex Marquez and Rob Barrett: MC's Retribution and the Solstice debut album... and throughout both Marquez, Barret, one other Solstice guy and one other MC guy all stayed at my apartment which was only 10 minutes drive from Morrisound... good times were had.. LOTS of funny stories.. one in particular: i was sitting it a chair in my living room with one of my legs tucked up into the chair, basically sitting on my foot, and i was bare footed... all the guys were hanging out in the living room too and we were bullshitting, drinking beer, and listening to music. suddenly something, maybe the phone ringing i think, made me jump up from my seat quickly... well, the chair was made of a weave material and part of one of my toe-nails had gotten stuck in the fabric.. i jumped up so fast that the entire toe-nail was ripped from my toe! luckily i was several beers in and that helped to dull the pain.. all the guys freaked at first and then burst into laughter. That is why i am referred to in the Thank You notes as James "where's my toe-nail" Murphy. ;)

i also played 4 solos on the Solstice album, which was first released in Europe on Steamhammer SPV and later in the US by Century Media.
Retribution is a milestone record in american death metal history, and Malevolent creation is one of the best death metal bands ever, they have always had some of the best death metal drummers play on their records.It is a shame that they always have had all those lineup changes, but they have always done quality death metal with the exception of Stillborn which has an almost as unexciting production as Suffocations Breading the spawn.
Also checkout their album Envenomed which is kind of in the same vain as Retribution.The two Solstice albums are awesome as well and Murphys solos are killer as always.
Btw. The line up they have at the moment looks really exciting i cant wait to hear their new record, a shame Rob Barret left , but at least Brett Hoffman and Jason Blackowitcz are back and with Tony Laureno behind the drums, it looks like their about to do another classic album.
Ouch James :)

That would've been my next question: Where'd you get that name on the Retribution credits :D

I'm looking forward to MC's next album, hop they'll make it little more rawm production wise.

I'm hoping to see them live too. Not sure if they ever visited Finland. Maybe I should come down to Florida to see them :cool:
I saw MC when they opened for Obituary back in ...christ I can't remember the year....Retribution had just come out...possibly the End Complete was bad ass. I saw them in a shithole called Club 367 in St. Louis, MO.

I like Retribution but The Ten Commandments is my fave of their work. Premature Burial....makes me wanna break some shit!!!

"Retribution" as well as the Solstice CD are favorites for me. It is unfortunate about Alex as his drumming skills over the years have become quite bad. I was speaking to someone who had the unfortunate luck of working with Alex a few years ago and not only were his drums so bad he had to fix them in Pro Tools for days, but Alex also stole some equipment from the studio the guy was working at. I guess he has or had a pretty bad drug problem. I hope things are better for him now. I was crushed, as he was one of my favorites...I think Alex played on the Disincarnate demo if I am not mistaken.
Hey guys, I'm kinda fucking pissed at the moment, but you just gotta show some love for MALEVOLENT CREATION!!! Classic! Totally underrated band!!

James if you don't mind, give us some other story for the 'Retribution' session, the album's am instant classic!

Beer + Malevolent Creation = GREAT :cool: