Malignancy - Inhuman Grotesqueries


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Malignancy – Inhuman Grotesqueries
Willowtip Records – WT052 – August 7, 2007
By Jason Jordan


Since Malignancy’s Inhuman Grotesqueries is steeped in medical terminology and gory artwork, it’s a bit of a departure for Willowtip – a label that, though known for its technical death metal and grindcore, has mostly sidestepped gore-oriented bands until now. While it’s taken Malignancy eight years to release the follow-up to the 1999 effort Intrauterine Cannibalism, one can’t help but feel disappointed at the 32-minute length. Nevertheless, Inhuman Grotesqueries is still good, even if it’s a shade darker than most of what Willowtip puts out, and more difficult to warm up to, for what it’s worth.

The cover art is actually a fine representation of what one can expect to hear once Malignancy blast out of the speakers: intricate death/grind. A likeness to Fuck the Facts is evident in the recording’s general sound, though the deep, unintelligible growls are worlds apart from Mel’s, yet similar to works by other Willowtip ilk, the technically-inclined Inhuman Grostesqueries frequently changes pace at a moment’s notice. But, dissimilarly, IG also utilizes pinch harmonics to excess, unless you happen to have a fetish for that sort of thing. Cycling through ‘Neglected Rejection,’ ‘Indigenous Pathogen,’ ‘Skeletal Integrity,’ and others proves fruitful because the Yonkers-based Malignancy are talented and calculating, in spite of the (inevitable?) sensory overload that tends to occur with these kinds of groups (Beneath the Massacre, Gorguts, Odious Mortem, etc.). Fortunately, the songs are short, quick bursts that never drone on for too long. For good or ill, Willowtip is catering to a slightly different audience with Inhuman Grotesqueries, and it’s not the best they have to offer. It’s fairly strong, though, and definitely complex.

Official Malignancy Website
Official Willowtip Records Website
You know, normally I do not like all the "grind core to the bone with toilet vocals" bands myself, but this album and this band have so much more than just that.
The music is a lot more complex, as you said, but also every ear can detect the great amount of talent these guys have... The guitars and drums are brilliant on this album, and the vocals are far from the burping-genre.
It has much more depth than that, and in my opinion; 100% death metal with great technical touches in the music, that were made "just right" ...
like a good steak you can't stop eating.
Oh wait, sorry, bad metaphore ;)
These guys impress me all the time. I bought this blindly because it was fucking MALIGNANCY, and loved it. Top ten of 2007 material for sure.