Malleus Maleficarum Des Bibles, Des Hymnes, Des Icônes
Oaken Shield/Adipocere Records RPG22 May 2004
By Russell Garwood
This French three piece plays nihilistic black metal. As opposed, of course, to the other corpse-painted groups who sing about fluffy kittens, flowers and bumble bees. The music is nothing original, comprising sometimes melodic, generally rather harsh, rhythm-based guitars, and blast heavy drums. The bass is unusually audible, for a true black metal release, while the vocals can vary between a guttural growl and a pained shriek. The music does hold some melody, and tends to be mid-to-fast paced. In a grim and necro vein, there is a distinct lack of keyboards and atmospherics in Malleus Maleficarums work. There are, however, occasional non-distorted guitars a nice addition.
Hence there is not really a great deal to say about Des Bibles, Des Hymnes, Des Icônes. Originality is not forthcoming, but the band provide some good performances. Everything is hidden beneath slightly murky performances, as is to be expected from the style. This is one for true black metal enthusiasts, and is likely to be less appealing to those without a specialist interest.
Official Adipocere website
Official Malleus Maleficarum website
Oaken Shield/Adipocere Records RPG22 May 2004
By Russell Garwood

This French three piece plays nihilistic black metal. As opposed, of course, to the other corpse-painted groups who sing about fluffy kittens, flowers and bumble bees. The music is nothing original, comprising sometimes melodic, generally rather harsh, rhythm-based guitars, and blast heavy drums. The bass is unusually audible, for a true black metal release, while the vocals can vary between a guttural growl and a pained shriek. The music does hold some melody, and tends to be mid-to-fast paced. In a grim and necro vein, there is a distinct lack of keyboards and atmospherics in Malleus Maleficarums work. There are, however, occasional non-distorted guitars a nice addition.
Hence there is not really a great deal to say about Des Bibles, Des Hymnes, Des Icônes. Originality is not forthcoming, but the band provide some good performances. Everything is hidden beneath slightly murky performances, as is to be expected from the style. This is one for true black metal enthusiasts, and is likely to be less appealing to those without a specialist interest.
Official Adipocere website
Official Malleus Maleficarum website