Mammoth - Tainted blood circulation WIP (vocals, anyone?)

I'm thinking too much guitar, too much cymbals, not enough toms/kick/snare. But then, I'm tired :lol:

The synths are not "epic" enough. Overall, it seems like it wants to sound lush all over, but everything's just kinda right there in-your-face without the underlying textures.

:heh:NEEDS VOCALS:heh:


The synthy part I hear at :36 is cool, and could be made more threatening sounding. That "bweee" thing.
Thanks for the feedback, man! I actually uploaded a fixed version yesterday morning but forgot to link it here: test5.mp3

I tweaked some stuff I noticed myself after a good night's sleep, and added some details here and there.

I'm thinking too much guitar, too much cymbals, not enough toms/kick/snare. But then, I'm tired :lol:

Agreed to some extent after a fresh listening, I lowered the guitars and took a bit of high end clarity out of 'em. The cymbals are still somewhat distracting, though :/

The synths are not "epic" enough. Overall, it seems like it wants to sound lush all over, but everything's just kinda right there in-your-face without the underlying textures.

That's almost exactly what my band's other guitarist said :) I tried to fiddle with the synth chords, but couldn't get out anything I really liked, so I just got them a bit louder and tried to make them more defined. But then again, I wanted the synths in the verses and choruses to just fill the empty space in the spectrum, not stand out too much on their own.

:heh:NEEDS VOCALS:heh:

I know, it sucks not to have an awesome vocal whore living in my closet! :D Gavin did a really nice job with another song of mine, but the bastard is in the studio atm, haha :)

The synthy part I hear at :36 is cool, and could be made more threatening sounding. That "bweee" thing.

Totally agreed, I noticed it when listening to the song with Koss Plugs at work. I brought them up quite a bit.

Thanks again for the reply, that was very helpful!
Wow. Nice track! The newer mix definitely sounds better. Actually, I like the snare...but I have to say that the hi hat kind of bugs me. Man, I love that guitar tone. Mind telling me what your using/share settings? Thanks!

Great track. Can't wait to hear it with some vocals. :)
Can't checkout the mix at the moment as I'm at work, but is the band name you're using "Mammoth"?

If so, you might want to rethink the choice of name as Mammoth was the name of a 70s/80s Hard Rock band who were fairly established in the US and Australia. I'm barely old enough to remember them being somewhat famous for the drummer using 7 kick drums with a letter of the band name on each, and going onstage dressed as cavemen! :D.

If I'm mistaken, forget it....but it at least it made me smile thinking about that.
Wow. Nice track! The newer mix definitely sounds better. Actually, I like the snare...but I have to say that the hi hat kind of bugs me. Man, I love that guitar tone. Mind telling me what your using/share settings? Thanks!

Great track. Can't wait to hear it with some vocals. :)

Cheers! The guitars are LTD-EC400 -> Firepod -> Cubase -> GuitarSuite SD-1 -> Wagner Sharp preamp simulator -> Revalver MKII impulse section with GuitarHack's Mesa impulses -> Waves C4 -> EQ. Three tracks of guitars on the verses panned 100-C-100 and four tracks on choruses panned 100-80-80-100. I'm not too fond of the tone myself, so I'm trying to redo it at the moment :)

Can't checkout the mix at the moment as I'm at work, but is the band name you're using "Mammoth"?

If so, you might want to rethink the choice of name as Mammoth was the name of a 70s/80s Hard Rock band who were fairly established in the US and Australia. I'm barely old enough to remember them being somewhat famous for the drummer using 7 kick drums with a letter of the band name on each, and going onstage dressed as cavemen! .

If I'm mistaken, forget it....but it at least it made me smile thinking about that.

Dammit! My friend told me Van Halen used to be Mammoth for a moment before they hit the spotlights, but I must admit I wasn't aware of the other case. Luckily Mammoth is just my test-bed project, so I hope it doesn't bother anyone too much :) I'll change it if it becomes more topical. Thanks for the heads-up!
Yep...unfortunate as it's a cool name. There was/is also a "Woolly Mammoth", of course there's also Mastodon, so I guess you could go with "Hairy Elephant" if all else fails :D
Thanks! Oh yeah! This guitar tone is even better for this mix. But that last tone you had has it's place in other situations as well. Damn, that's the Wagner? I've loved that thing just from my playing around with it, but this has to be the best recording I've heard with it so far. I love those GuitarHack mesa impulses. But between those and all his others, I can get lost trying to decide which I like best. :) I know I'm asking too much, but if you get a chance, mind taking a screenshot of your wagner settings, or post a single guitar clip? Would be much appreciated!

One thought about those keys, just proabably a matter of personal preference, I'd maybe roll off a little more lows on the background keys. Also, where the keys come in at 2:17, I'd pull them back a little. On these headphones here at work, those keys jump out a little too much for me. Geesh, I'm loving this song. Damn you, you're kicking my butt into getting back to work on my own project. LOL Keep the great music coming!
Thanks again for the feedback, much appreciated! You're absolutely right about the synths in the C part, I'll fix those in the final mix.

The Wagner setting used was fistula's setting from this thread:
I used a little less gain, less bass and treble and the quality knob at it's default position. After Wagner was Voxengo CurveEQ with a curve taken from 5150's dry preamp track. Next was Revalver MKII with Guitarhack's Fredman impulse, and after that another CurveEQ with a curve from Chimaira's Blackheart from the part with only the guitars. Finally a C4 and some normal EQ to tame the lows and highs.
Thanks again for the feedback, much appreciated! You're absolutely right about the synths in the C part, I'll fix those in the final mix.

The Wagner setting used was fistula's setting from this thread:
I used a little less gain, less bass and treble and the quality knob at it's default position. After Wagner was Voxengo CurveEQ with a curve taken from 5150's dry preamp track. Next was Revalver MKII with Guitarhack's Fredman impulse, and after that another CurveEQ with a curve from Chimaira's Blackheart from the part with only the guitars. Finally a C4 and some normal EQ to tame the lows and highs.

Where can I get these curves from the 5150 and Chimaira's blackheart curve?