Man Late For GODSMACK Concert Arrested After 110 Mph Ride

correction: is a pretty good band. they have a new album out

i havent heard anything from it or the last one they made a few years ago. but the old stuff kicks ass

and i had no clue sully was in the band.
1. Godsmack fucking blows
2. Hondas can go that fast?
3. My record is 125 in a 65, got popped by a cop camping, tried to run, talked him down to 96 in a 65 + reckless driving, went to court and got it pled down to 79 in a 65 and no reckless. Anyone top 125 in a 65?

Also nailed 90 in a 40 today on the ride to work just to pass some shitty scion, fuck i love my car

edit: tried to run but there was another cop up ahead just driving so i couldnt speed past him to get to the exit ramp so i slowed down and the other cop came flying up behind me and nailed me.
i got nailed once at 72 in a 55... keep in mind that most people are going 75 on this road and i only blipped at 72 and was going like 65 most of the time. just unlucky. i drive within the "speed limit" because i see no need to drive at absurd speeds. sure if you CAN go 100 it will improve your time on getting somewhere, but around me this is impossible unless you are weaving between cars and driving dangerously.

the only time i can see this to be 'acceptable' is when you are doing a big road trip on a major highway or one of those empty country/desert roads or something. fastest I've ever driven was 80something and that was on the garden state parkway.