Man Robs $1 From Bank To Get Health Care In Prison

thought the same thing, just change Sweden and put Germany in there.
But it was a very smart way and I respect him for what he did and how he did it!
Maybe I'm missing something here, but aren't there free clinics and such over in the US? So he needn't have had done that? :confused:
Note to self: Don't ever read the comments beneath a news article again. You will get very angry and be grumpy for the rest of the day.
(Talking about the comments on the website, not here)

And hooray for a working healthcare system.
No. Not even for kids. There's a hospital for terminally ill kids call St. Judes that takes donations to treat them. Most states are trying to pull funding on subsidized healthcare for children.

State hospitals have to take in everyone with a medical emergency, but they still use collections to get the money back. People with conditions that require regular treatment can try to get on Medicaid, but it's getting increasingly difficult to get accepted and to find places that accept it.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but aren't there free clinics and such over in the US? So he needn't have had done that? :confused:
Same thoughts but with Spain. I still can't believe not every country in the world has basic free healthcare, this is ridiculous and I truly applaud this guy for what he did. Doctors saying he's "manipulating the system"?? what faggots, maybe if the system was a bit more humane there wouldn't be the need to "manipulate" it
No. Not even for kids. There's a hospital for terminally ill kids call St. Judes that takes donations to treat them. Most states are trying to pull funding on subsidized healthcare for children.

State hospitals have to take in everyone with a medical emergency, but they still use collections to get the money back. People with conditions that require regular treatment can try to get on Medicaid, but it's getting increasingly difficult to get accepted and to find places that accept it.

This is somewhat misleading. There are certainly lots of free clinics for primary care but if he has a tumor in his chest...
Chuck Schuldiner died because he didn't get enough health care and his mother lost all her money,
just to name an example of a guy who died because of the inhuman system in the US, most of you know.
It's all about the money.

If someone wants free health care that costs $10000, then someone else has to pay that $10000.

Big drug companies won't fund research if they can't make big bucks on their inventions and for sure they won't make free medicines, doctors won't come to do a complicated surgical procedure on you for national average pay.

The "problem" today is that medicine can do miracles like curing cancer, but it can't do these miracles without some serious amounts of money.

Few centuries ago it would not be a matter of morals, what is good or bad, fair or unfair... Back then, that someone would just die.

So you have 2 options: first is don't ever get sick and second is to get a good job, so you can afford to pay for health insurance.
... and second is to get a good job, so you can afford to pay for health insurance.

There's a few problems with this (though well intentioned). At least in the U.S., this was somewhat one time. But no more. First, just finding a permanent job...even for degreed becoming increasingly harder. More and more jobs are contract jobs. Contract/temp jobs do not offer any kind of benefits. That's not to say you can't get a perm job...but it's becoming more difficult. Second...the cost of healthcare insurance is continuously increasing, while the coverage it provides keeps decreasing. It's mind boggling how much we are paying, for a family of 3, and how much the coverage is being reduced each year. Of course, I'm only speaking of my corner of the world.
I read this story on the news the other day. It is indeed messed up when prisoners are required by law to receive free health care while their are working poor people that don't get any at all.

An old buddy of mine had multiple jobs at the same time and was doing like 60-70 hours of work a week. He didn't count as full time at any of the jobs so he did not get any benefits or health coverage.

One of his jobs would work him around 50 hours a week for many consecutive weeks, but unless he worked like 15 weeks at over 40 hours each week the state law said he was not a full time employee. So his job would work him alot of hours for 13 weeks then cut his hours back to say 20 per week for one week, then repeat the cycle.

My father had cancer and would be dead right now if it were not for having served as a soldier 50 years ago. His veteran status allowed him to go to the VA hospital and they covered all of his cancer treatments.
There's a few problems with this (though well intentioned). At least in the U.S., this was somewhat one time. But no more. First, just finding a permanent job...even for degreed becoming increasingly harder. More and more jobs are contract jobs. Contract/temp jobs do not offer any kind of benefits. That's not to say you can't get a perm job...but it's becoming more difficult. Second...the cost of healthcare insurance is continuously increasing, while the coverage it provides keeps decreasing. It's mind boggling how much we are paying, for a family of 3, and how much the coverage is being reduced each year. Of course, I'm only speaking of my corner of the world.

your corner is not too far from mine ;)

10 years ago I had EVERYTHING covered 100% through my job and payed ZERO

Starting somewhere around 7 years ago I had the same amount of coverage but had to start contributing to the cost ... somewhere around 10%

About 5 years ago my contribution went up to about 25% and my co-pays went up on a couple thing about $5

4 years ago my contribution went up to about 40% and I was given the option of paying that or switching my health plan to one that cost a little less but offered a bit less as well. I stayed with what I had and just choked down the 40%

Last year my contribution not only went up to 50% but I literally had no choice but to switch health plans to something that covered quite a bit less as we were told our health insurance was no longer offering the plan we had

so over the last 10 years I've not only lost about 30% of the quality of my health insurance, I've had to start contributing half the cost of the lower tiered plan. Oh and its not like the overall cost of everything got scaled back either, so I'm still paying 50% of what my health insurance cost was on the FORMER plan :p

Anybody wantin to talk shit about Obama & healthcare can eat a dick. I never paid a dollar for it and had a much better health plan before someone else was in office. I won't say names but it wasn't Obama

Not trying to start a different debate but thats just my personal experience with everything in regards to it all

EDIT: as a side note I want to mention that I also have not been to a hospital in close to 13 years and I've only visited my Primary doc like 4 times in the last 10 years. I'm not a sickly person and I almost never go to the doc unless I have like 104° fever or something so what reason could they possibly have for jacking my cost up? Answer is none ... they just want my $$$
1 million dollar, or one dollar?

This is sick, meanwhile politicians and bankers are legally robbing us and becoming rich as hell. Time for global stand up. I'm indignant