If someone wants free health care that costs $10000, then someone else has to pay that $10000.
That´s what taxes are made for.
The big drug laboratories won´t research for drugs to cure diseases that affects the poor because they won´t have money to buy them. That makes sense on a profit driven economy, where health is treated as a product.
Things are so messed up that some dudes think spending tax money on medic research, drugs and health care for its own people is "communism", but spending tax money on weapon research, ammo and death to use on other people is "patriotic". It´s like spending all your money on killing others instead of saving yourself.
It is indeed messed up when prisoners are required by law to receive free health care while their are working poor people that don't get any at all.
The prisioners have to receive free health care. He´s locked. How would he get money to pay for his own food or health care? Now, build the system in a way that sometimes it's better to be wrong than to be right (like the dude on the news realized) is just insane. I wonder how many similar cases must be. Would Chuck live if he had made the same thing?