NY came to a deal on the compasionate care act (weed)

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
But it's riddled with exceptions and exemptions. For one nobody can smoke it. It can't be used for nausea from chemo etc...

So really we did what we always do. Half ass the fuck out of it.

My reaction is either do it or don't. I don't smoke and think the act of smoking pot is mostly stupid, but weed being illegal is absolutely fucking stupid.

- We have tax free start up incentives for businesses (I'm sure you have seen the ads in your states as our Governor has spent millions in taxpayer dollars on those ads), but there are giant strings attached as always. I say just drop taxes for everyone, we are ranked 2nd hardest state to make a living in, only HI is worse. We have had a shit load of business leave the state and our GDP is dropped a lot. We are still ranked the least business friendly state in the union and we rank the worst taxes in the nation (yay we even beat CA, suck it bitches).

- We have weed now, but only if you don't smoke it and meet strict criteria. (Either legalize medical weed or don't, in fact just legalize it)

- We have casinos coming to upstate, but only ones that the state said is ok (again either make gambling legal or don't).

- We want to spend money to give a college education to those in prison or cross the border illegally but don't give a flying shit about those who live here, have done nothing wrong and want to better themselves through education. Those motherfuckers can eat shit and suck on debt.

- We want to spend money to fund the above, but have cut almost 100 million bucks in services to those with developmental disabilities.

Anyway annoyed rant over. Maybe I'll actually get the balls to move my family out of this idiot infested state next year.
Same here in Florida with the weed. We got all happy till we saw the restrictions. Basically impossible to get, can't smoke it, and you have to be dying to get it. It's retarded.
Don't you dare make light of the glaucoma epidemic facing twenty-somethings these days.


Yo I can't see n shit.

On a serious note prohibition is total fail. The NYS compassionate care act is a giant piece of shit as it stands.

I'm sure it will get the stupids to vote for Cuomo again though even though he was the one who rejected the original looser restricted bill. What a fucking POS.
While I think that's pretty kickass, I think just outright legalizing it is the way to go.

Smoking pot in NYS is still illegal and that's dumb because it stops nobody from doing it.

To be clear, my issue with it is that it's a farce. If a doctor was charging $45 a visit and only handed out scripts for oxy they'd be in jail.
California needs to follow Colorado's lead.