Should weed be legal?

Should weed be legal

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 12 30.0%

  • Total voters


A Mind Forever Voyaging
Jul 10, 2001
Grave with a view
I know theres probably lots of you that smoke weed.... i have the odd joint from time to time....... but i mean its pretty ridiculous, some of my friends have got busted for dealing even though its a fact that cigs are way more dangerous...
I mean who ever heard of someone dying of overdosing on weed...

The main problem is that the smoke can affect you.. i wouldn't want to be on a train next to a guy smoking weed before an exam.. but i guess cigarette smoke can affect you as well..

I think they should either legalise it, or ban both cigarettes and weed.
Ya, I think it might as well be legalised. :err:

I don't smoke it. I think it's pretty hard to come by over here, I don't know if I would smoke it if they sold it in the pubs or so.. most likely I would. :loco:
I personally smoke it once in a month, more or less. I like it alot. but I dont thing legalize will be good..
think about it, if they'll legalize it ppl will find other drugs also harmless, which they dont. it wont do good.
my solution to this case whould be stop being such an assholes and bust anyone that smoke it. I mean, to be less hard with those who like it. there are other drugs which much more dangerous and even almost popular as weed, take care of that instead.
not mention, that alcohol is much more dangerous and addictive that weed...
Originally posted by Kabab_k
but I dont thing legalize will be good..
think about it, if they'll legalize it ppl will find other drugs also harmless, which they dont. it wont do good.

you are soooo wrong!

you said it yourself in another thread:

"the problem is that every kid today is educated by his parents/school/media etc that weed is a drug in the same level as chemical drugs and even heroin. I mean, they don't do this separation. now, an innocent kid that have been educated by this "theory" going out with his freinds and they convince him to smoke weed. after he'll see that there aren't any harm by this so called drug, and the fun in great. why wouldn't him now try other (addictive) drugs? "

if it will be legale, and people will know it's harmless
but there will still be education that says that other drugs are harmfull, people will know the diffrent...
well i think you got my point...

and also, there alot of pros to legaliztion...
it can bring alot of money to the country.

if it will be legal here in israel, we could grow hemp
and you know that there are millions of thing that can be made from hemp, so there will be alot of money to israel coming from export hemp products

and because it's illegael
alot of people who get caught have a criminal record
and that's not good.
if you have a record on using drugs, it will be harder to get jobs and stuff.
so wouldn't it be better to make it legal so you can smoke without fear?
my point exactly. educate the whole generation about the separation between weed and dangerous drugs and then legalize. by then, stop the police provocation.
If you're smart, you won't get busted. Buy only from intelligent, trusted, private sources. Wherever you smoke it, make sure that anyone who smells it won't freak out.

Halifax is SATURATED with weed. I smell it everywhere, and I don't think they really bust for it anymore, which is nice.

Legalization (complete, along with government control) is going to be a big step. In Canada, it won't be privatized for sale, only government-run shops could sell it. It'll probably be for 21-and-older only, with strict limitations on quantity.

Weed needs to be treated just like alcohol. Controlled, distributed, and punished for too abundant use.

Well, whatever. Nothing's gonna stop me from smoking it :grin:

except mr. police man, maybe :o
I've said it before and I'll repeat myself again for this thread:

Don't just legalize it - set up crown corporations to produce it, create some jobs, put a tax on it, still undersell the street value, and let the whole country benefit financially from it. Take the money out of the hands of the dealers and into those of taxpayers, stimulate the economy, and let people's lives be positively effected by it.
I agree it should either be legalised or cigarettes should be banned as well. Ok so it leads to throat cancer and makes u phycologically (sp?) unbalanced if over used. But so do cigarettes and alchohol! I think also some poeople just take it cos its "naughty" and they're not allowed. But if you legalised it I think that would make it seem "ok" and I think many people who stick to weeed now would move on to harder drugs. I also think if its legalised in should be carefully regulated. So basically I'm sitting on the fence :p
Originally posted by hibernal_dream
I know theres probably lots of you that smoke weed.... i have the odd joint from time to time....... but i mean its pretty ridiculous, some of my friends have got busted for dealing even though its a fact that cigs are way more dangerous...
I mean who ever heard of someone dying of overdosing on weed...

The main problem is that the smoke can affect you.. i wouldn't want to be on a train next to a guy smoking weed before an exam.. but i guess cigarette smoke can affect you as well..

I think they should either legalise it, or ban both cigarettes and weed.

I remember I was reading another post on this same subject , and a guy said "Imagine if you were going into surgery and 10 minutes before the surgery , you meet the doctor and his greating words are 'Hey man , hahaha' " , He did have a point , but I meen beer is legal but do doctors do surgery's drunk . I'm sure if weed was legal it would be illegal to smoke it on the job , in public places , or on trains or any other transportation . And by the way , I remember in grade ,,,,,,,,8 I think it was , I was about to write a test that I was worried over , it was a final , so anyway , I had a little bit of weed on me , so me and my friend smoked a draw like 5 minute's before the exam , I remember scoring a "high" grade on that test , which helped me pass the year , Sometimes weed open's your mind and sometimes it fucks it up , But it's been proven that many university students used weed to study .
Originally posted by godisanathiest
I agree it should either be legalised or cigarettes should be banned as well. Ok so it leads to throat cancer and makes u phycologically (sp?) unbalanced if over used. But so do cigarettes and alchohol! I think also some poeople just take it cos its "naughty" and they're not allowed. But if you legalised it I think that would make it seem "ok" and I think many people who stick to weeed now would move on to harder drugs. I also think if its legalised in should be carefully regulated. So basically I'm sitting on the fence :p

I know 100's of people who smoke weed , and i've asked 100's more (just for personal reference) , If weed would be legalized , would try harder drugs ? , the answer's were either "NO" or "I've already tried hard drugs and now I stick to weed " , you'll get an odd "yes" but most people won't go stright for Weed to Crack , Cocaine , heroin , ecstacy , can kill people or damage people , Weed is just weed , and why is it just Weed ? , because it's weed .
From the Erowid Cannabis Vault !


1) Why is it STILL illegal?:
The official answer: Because you shouldn't use it. You can't use it because it is illegal, and it is illegal so you can't use it. You should not use it. It is illegal. It is illegal so you should not use it.

The manic-depressive answer: It'll never happen. People are too unorganized/stupid/disempowered. It's just futility. Try, but don't expect to get anywhere. I won't get my hopes up.

The paranoid-schizophrenic answer: Don't you SEE?!?!? The guys at the top have it SEWN!! They own everything. They'll never let it happen. I shouldn't even be talking to you, but let me give you some advice!! listen... you shouldn't mess with THEM, THEY know everything. THEY are practically psychic, see? And the only way to get it to happen is to become one of THEM. You'd better watch it, or THEY will come and take you away -- THEY do that, you know. It's all a CONSPIRACY!!!

The neurotic answer: Marijuana? Eeek! Don't you know that stuff is dangerous? People don't make laws for no good reason, you know! Where did you hear about marijuana? Wait! Don't tell me, I don't want to know. If anybody even knew you thought it should be legal -- well -- they'd never talk to you again! Don't you know that marijuana this... marijuana that... ... ... ...

THE REAL ANSWER: Marijuana is still illegal because enough people have not yet stood up together and said:








Without large-scale grass roots support, marijuana will never be legal. Every person that stands up for marijuana/hemp legalization makes us that much stronger, and our voices that much louder. Believe me, we appreciate all the support we get. Almost as importantly, it makes it that much harder for people to say ``that's a stupid idea'' or ``nobody really believes that.''

Ok , if you want to know the facts about weed and everything else there is to know about it , Why it should be legal? , why it isn't? were it comes from and what not go here

You'll be convinced !!! trust me , just read it alll , every word !! every fucking god damn motherfuckin ,,,,,, yeah whatever just read it !
i think ALL drugs should be legal. it would teach responsibility.

nowadays, there's no excuse for ignorance: drugs (weed included) CAN damage your body and have adverse effects. but so does alcohol and cigarettes and bungee and cars and a million other things. the trick is using responsibly.

so if it's legal, and some shit-for-brains takes crystal meth and dies..... that's his problem, not the government. if someone drinks until they die of alcohol poisoning, that's their fault. if someone smokes weed and becomes mellow for a few hours and then gets a rabid attack of the munchies.... who gives a damn.

of course, we'd have to institute rules.... like not smoking drugs in public areas, etc etc.

besides which, and i'm sure plenty of people have said this, but if our government (or others governments, for those of you in countries besides the US) gets its finger in the Narcotics pie like it does everything else, maybe we can finally eliminate the damn defecit.
Just have to ask a question . If a dealer that you didn't know , came up to you and asked you to buy some weed off him , would you rather take the chance of his weed being mixed with some dangerous other drug or would you run across to the nearrest convenience store to buy weed and know that it's safe ?

1. Government could make loads of money so that hospitals and school's will not only be less expensive to operate but will no longer look like prison's . The Government could use this money to create anti-drug programs for youth, these children would then learn more about more harmful drugs like Heroin and crack. The cost for University , college , or trade school students to go to school could be lowered so more underwealthy students can afford to participate.

2. Parents who know there children like to smoke a bit of pot every now and then could feel more safe knowing that they bought there drugs from the government instead of from the local dealer were (as I already have said) it could be cut with harder drugs or dangerous chemicals .

3. The government could control how Potent the weed is so it's not too potent but just potent enough to keep the buyer from getting bored of buying the weed .

4. The weed smokers could have more variety !, I can remember days when all but one dealer around here was dry , and my friends and I had to smoke the same weed for month's , after a short while of the same potentcy and flavour the weed got kind of "worn out" and we had gotten to a point were the buzz from this certain kind of weed was so natural that we didn't even notice it , so we stopped buying weed for a while . However the government could change all of this , by producing a variety of different potent and flavoured weed the buyer could play around with the different types of flavour until the buyer found the right kind for him and then smoked that until he or she became bored of that kind and picked a different kind , it would still be like beer , everybody would have there favorite kind .

5. The price of growing it and shipping it would become lower (because of how legal it is and the quantity ) , therefore it could be sold for a cheaper price and out sell cigarette's and beer . The buyer could use the extra money to buy other products that were goverment made .

6. You could set limit's on how much a person buys by making things like credit cards that limited you to so much per day . To be more precise , you could aply for a Marijuana Card when you become 19 or what ever age limit the government sets it at , when you get the card you could just say "give me a pack (or whatever the amount is) of that northernlight " and you would give the store clerk the card and they would do the same as they would with a credit card and you would give the person the money , and on your way you go .

7. The first time I ever smoked weed , I bought it from a dealer myself , the dealer didn't ask my name , my age or anything else , just said "20 dollars" and he gave me a gram . Nothing about that seemed weird , except for the fact that I was 11 or 12 years of age at the time . If the goverment made the age limit for buying weed like 18 , it would make it harder for young people like myself to get it , of course they could just get an 18 yearold to do it for them but then the 18 year old person could not get his/her supply of weed for the day , thus making that person not able to buy it for under age people . Of course us minors could still get our weed on the days that older people didn't want it and just save it up and stuff like that .

8. With the mass production of marijuana , the government could reduce the sale's of cigarette's and make more money on weed . Also weed could be used to help people quit smoking and start smokin weed , which is better then smokin tobacco!!!

9. Once weed is in more powerful hands , it can be enginereed so people who smoke it everyday , won't have some many "burn out" symptoms .

Ahhhhhhh, thats enough for now , give me your thought's on my Idea's please , criticism is welcome , but don't critisize if you can't write some Ideas of your own .
Originally posted by warsofwinter

Ok sure , lets put thousands of pot heads in jail and throw the serial killers and murderer's out to make room for em, do you know how much it cost to put a person in prison for one year ?

u haven't understood me. I meant that the cops should NOT bust ppl becuz of this bullshit. understood? I think I've made myself clear in other posts.