Should weed be legal?

Should weed be legal

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 12 30.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by saturnix
i think ALL drugs should be legal. it would teach responsibility.

nowadays, there's no excuse for ignorance: drugs (weed included) CAN damage your body and have adverse effects. but so does alcohol and cigarettes and bungee and cars and a million other things. the trick is using responsibly.

so if it's legal, and some shit-for-brains takes crystal meth and dies..... that's his problem, not the government. if someone drinks until they die of alcohol poisoning, that's their fault. if someone smokes weed and becomes mellow for a few hours and then gets a rabid attack of the munchies.... who gives a damn.

of course, we'd have to institute rules.... like not smoking drugs in public areas, etc etc.

besides which, and i'm sure plenty of people have said this, but if our government (or others governments, for those of you in countries besides the US) gets its finger in the Narcotics pie like it does everything else, maybe we can finally eliminate the damn defecit.

Thats an interesting view I've never heard before. The main problem I have with it is many people don't behave responsibly - thats human nature, so are you suggesting we let all these people die just due to their lack of judgment
Originally posted by saturnix
i think ALL drugs should be legal. it would teach responsibility.

nowadays, there's no excuse for ignorance: drugs (weed included) CAN damage your body and have adverse effects. but so does alcohol and cigarettes and bungee and cars and a million other things. the trick is using responsibly.

so if it's legal, and some shit-for-brains takes crystal meth and dies..... that's his problem, not the government. if someone drinks until they die of alcohol poisoning, that's their fault. if someone smokes weed and becomes mellow for a few hours and then gets a rabid attack of the munchies.... who gives a damn.

of course, we'd have to institute rules.... like not smoking drugs in public areas, etc etc.

besides which, and i'm sure plenty of people have said this, but if our government (or others governments, for those of you in countries besides the US) gets its finger in the Narcotics pie like it does everything else, maybe we can finally eliminate the damn defecit.

Hmmm yeah you could do that but it would never work , weed is pretty much harmless to you , it doesn't cause cancer or make you a bad driver , you can't overdose on it . THe average person cannot drink until they get alchohol poisoning , but a first time heroin tryer could easily overdose and die . It's difference , they have these things thought over , they are afraid to legalize weed because they think that people well then say "hey if it's legal to smoke weed , why not hash or why can't we try shrooms" ,

If we legalize weed , we solve many many problems
Actually even tho its no worse than alcholohol or cigarrettes it causes throat cancer, it makes u phycologically unbalanced if used for extended periods and it slows your reactions by more than ten times - the only area its worse than alcohol in so it does affect ur driving
Do you have any proof so I can actually understand what your talkin about , it makes sence , the throat cancer and stuff , but from what I hear it has to be a mix of 2 different disease's to make yourself able to get throat cancer from 9-tetra hydro canabis sative , there is something it's called (something) - 9 - tetra hydro canabbis sative and that's what goes in your fat cells when you smoke weed . From what I understand it can cause some different forms of cancer , but only in a few very rare case' .
I'm going to rant a bit now.

First off, I just want to say that I HATE cigarettes. I hate their smell. I hate it when people light up next to me. It fucking drives me insane. I don't care if someone wants to smoke, but it should definitely be banned in public places. It has to be one of the most inconsiderate things you can do to light up next to someone who doesn't smoke.

Now about the pot thing. I agree it should be legalised - someone who smokes pot is not a criminal and szplug!..if someone can smoke cigarettes then why not pot? It's not what you can call a `dangerous' drug. People get aggressive after drinking...pot calms people down...yet alcohol is legal? I'm starting my own country where things make sense!
Marajuana should be legal. All drugs should be legal. And they should all be restricted, regulated, and controlled in much the same way that alchohol is. Prostitution, for that matter, should also be legalized. These are all crimes against Christianity/Catholicism; which is why they are currently illegal.

The real crime is, that there are still people who think they should be able to tell other people what they can and can't do in the privacy of their own home.

This pisses me off. In one of my classes today they brought the drug dog into the class and it jumped at this girl who had weed in her purse (yes that was stupid but this is as bad as illegial search and seizure) and then they took her to the office and she came back later in tears. A dog that can detect drugs is just as bad as opening her purse and looking around, It just annoys me that they do this when her having weed in her purse isn't hurting anyone.
Originally posted by hibernal_dream
I mean who ever heard of someone dying of overdosing on weed...

That's the argument that every pothead in San Francisco brings forward in trying to justify legalization.

I don't frankly care if people want to kill their brain cells at a far-more-accelerated-than-normal-rate, but I don't any of those potheads driving a fucking car out there. Needless to say I wouldn't feel safe out there, and I wouldn't want my insurance to increase just because more accidents are bound to happen.

Fine you smoke weed, the same restrictions should apply to as for alcohol (as in driving) and cigarettes (i.e. no public smoking).

Knock yourself out.