pot smoking

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The officers take that kinda shit all the time over here.

Last night I was out and there were a number of underage drinkers, in the street. This cop comes up to them and just starts with idol chit-chat, and one of them offers him a drink. No arrests made.
Shows how much 'NIPS' are concerned with law enforcement lol.

"and the pigs still preach their lies"
neal said:
i dont see how you can continue to argue that marijuana cant be taken in moderation but alcohol can. its rediculous. have you ever been around drunk people? they just keep drinking more and more. its insane...and even though slander is a cooler sounding and looking word, this would be libel becuase its printed defamation rather than spoken. and on a side note, i love 'slander' and use it all the time in my everyday speech. its such a cool word.
You're absolutly right. legally, it would be libel. i was thinking more from a casual conversational context. I doubt very seriously I or anyone would sue based on conversations on the Internet. :Spin:

Anyway, Your right again when it comes to the affects of marijuana on a person. I would much rather be around someone who is high on marijuana than someone who is plastered drunk. But, the issue is that alcohol can be taken into moderation, whereas marijuana cannot. One joint causes on to get high, though at different levels depending on the person. Plus, it stays in your system for up to 30 days. It affects judgement and memory, the former being the dangerous one, admittededly depending on the person.

See, the line has to be drawn somewhere. If we legalize marijuana, then the slippery slope begins, and in 50 years, all drugs may become legal. This would create a socioeconomic disaster.

But, neal, you have made some very good arguments. Can you kind of see where I'm coming from now?
marijuana is legal in holland and the percentage of people that use it is similar to other countries where its illegal.i believe that mushrooms and perhaps LSD are legal there as well, but 'hard' drugs are not. 'hard' drugs would never get legalized here even if marijuana was becuase they are seen as the ultimate evil by everyone. you think crack and heroin would win any votes for legalization? come one now. even us bad bad people who smoke some bud and don some halucinagens every now and again know that coke and heroin are nothing to be messed with. legalization of marijuana wouldnt lead to the decy of western society as we know it. people are going to smoke anyway, and by keeping it illegal we're using up space in prisons that would be better served with violent criminals and sex offenders.

and i still dont see how you can say that its impossible for marijuana to be takin in moderation! anything can be taken in moderation. you keep saying one joint, one joint, one joint, well you dont have to smoke a whole joint. just like you dont have to drink a whole bottle of liquor. and most times, you're not smoking alone anyways so you dont even have one whole joint all to yourself. most people WILL smoke more, just like most people WILL have another beer or another cocktail, but the option to not is also there. and i can only see where you're coming from why you dont want to smoke it, but not about how its the devil and no one else should smoke it. because i dont think it is the devil, and im smokin some right now as i type this response.
Hear hear neil. Exactly fucking right.

kid- One DRINK can get someone drunk. It depends on the person, their reistance and age. PLEASE stop spouting this bullshit about moderation.

I challenge you to find one(1) person who thinks heroin or crack legalisation would be good. ONE(1) person. Just one(1) person. I bet you can't.

BTW.... Many more people die from overdoses of LEGAL drugs than illegal. And many legal drugs are far more harmful. Legalisation would not start a slippery slope as most people have limits and a vote for legalastion of Crack+heroin would NEVER pass.
kiyardo said:
Cigarettes are bad news that's for sure, but marijuana joints have no filters and even if they did,

**Some cigs have no filters.***

they still have 4 times the carcinogens of a regular cigarette, and they also contribute to memory loss.

**YEah, so does swiming under water. SO does mountain climbing. So does OLD AGE.**

On a related note, a news story just released today says that medical studies have indicated that long term use of tobacco smoking can lead to mild memory loss for middle aged adults


I never made that particular argument. If I did, then your assessment would be correct.

**Your only arguing your opinion. FUck mcdonalds, you like the food hey? Get rid of weed, cause you dont know a thing about it other than what youve been told. Dangerouse to others around you? Your speaking out your ass agian. ***

The "bad for you" argument is more of an incentive to stop the activity, not a justification for banishment.

**Youve changes lanes now. Ive noticed that since your gay ass friend came along and fell over his own words, as you haev a habbit of doing***

The argument I use for keeping marijuana and other drugs illegal is based on the infringment of liberty and life of those surrounding the user.

**Well, my freedom is being infringed on, my freedom of coming to this forum and not haveing to see your reatrd statements. ALso, i must work, or i dont eat. Shouldnt i have the freedom of eating wheather i work or not? Am i also enfringing on your freedom by expelling all the poisonous gasses from my car? Am i enfringing on others freedom as i use elecricity, which in turn depletes the ozone layer? Get off it pal. Your in teritory you know nothing abiout. STop making excuses. ANd just admit YOU DONT REALLY KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. YOU AHVE NO CLUE IF WEED IS DANGEROUSE> YOU HAEV NO CLUE WHAT IT DOES TO YOU. YOU ARE CLUELESS.***

Obviously one on PCP is more dangerous than one high on ganja for sure, but any drug that alters the mind is an "enemy of reality" and a potential for a dangerous situation that could harm someone else.

**I could slip you some THC and tell you it was PCP and you wouldnt know the difference. Same for any drug. Your falling back on old excuses again. We haev already discussed the fact that you are noone to speak of what a drug can do or not do to a person. Rememebr, your drug free, which normally is a good thing, but when you try to talk as if you knwo it all about drugs, and yove never taken any, well, your not really a good person for the job here. You had to study for tests, well, go get a big ass fat joint. smoke it, and then come back and tell us how dangerouse it is.***

The line is drawn at those drugs which provide an instant unpredictable intoxication. Marijuana certainly falls in that category.

***You see, your wrong again. Weed is not unpredictable. ITs the same high everytime versus the amount of intake. I just hit a Joint 2 times a few minutes ago. I did it for the taste. Not high, not even a little. Thats called moderation. ALso, i only smoked one joint yesterday, in my case, THATS MODERATION. Your WRONG just stop? You said you were gonna do it. I thought we all agreed on this? You dont know your ass from a BUGGER when it concerns drugs.**

Cigarettes and Alcohol can be taken in moderation.

** i cant smoke a cig in moderation. i cnat just smoke one. I can do without weed when i find that i cant get it. BUt cigs, i go crazy, shake, get mean, hatefull, etc. You or no else who have never doen cigs or weed even have the CONSTUTUTIONAL right to say anything about them. Cigs are a million times harder to get off of than weed. ANd alc, do you know any one ADDICTED To alc? If you do, then surely you would know that at timea an alcoholic will sell thier cars, clothes etc fro a fucking DRINK. Your going to far. Im finding myself getting teh urge to call you names and the feeling that giving you bodily harm would make me feel better. You really need to let it go. SO we all can.**

The 2nd ammendment does not distinguish between types of firearms but it is explicit in it's meaning that US Governement shall not infringe on the liberty to own and bear any type of weapon.

***Even though fully ato weapons were not in exostance at the time the constiutution was written? ANd it was against teh laws of teh time for teh colonists to even make a constitution. The constitution was made cause the king was holding the good weed for himself. NOt really, buit close, along the same lines. The greater part of teh ppl living in the colonies didnt like teh laws so they chnaged them.

Back to teh weapons....Fully auto...Im al for guns. I own many myself, and i will continue to acumlate more guns. BUt dude, i dont need a fucking M60, or a 50 cal fully auto, and you dont either. Make a real argument why dont you. Get educated with books, and the real deal, then come back.***

During the revolutionary period the militias and ordinary people carried the same types of arms the military carried (Flintlocks, muskets, etc.) This matched firepower, just short of cannons, provided an equal playing field and kept the Government in check to prevent tyrrany.

***Just short you say? Think about that. Your fucking stupid. You wnat a 50 cal, but you dont want me to smoke a joint. Dude, your not getting anywhere with your stupidness. your in a hole, and you only think you see the rope.**

The 2nd ammendment was written to provide that kind of protection from oppresive governments.

**I would think you would support a supressive government. You sure come accross that way. Half baked ideas, half baked senteces, and excuses. Jump dude, do it. JUMP. DO the world a favor.**

Today, that would mean the ability to own fully automatic weapons with high capacity magazines utlitizing armour piercing ammunition. These types of weapons should not be regulated at all. The only laws that should be in place with regard to these types of weapons should be the penalties of crimes committed using such firearms, and any firearm for that matter. You sure did. Your arguments were good, well thought out, and respected. And, no, you didn't call me any names. Thanks. It makes the debate so much more interesting when we can exchange ideas without all the slander. I've found new respect for you , neal. Thanks again, man.

**he hasnt found repsect fopr you. Your even more of a fucking mongaloid than i thought. I hope you get shot with a fully auto weapon.***

***In teh mean time...please stop this stupid shit kiyardo. Your not coming across like a good person. Your just not. Bann a joint and replace it with a fucking NUK. your thinking makes no sence. BTW, i have owned a fully auto weapon. VEry dangerous, adn much more un predictable than a joint. You have proven that you hail from a cave in the middle of nowhere. You have proven yourself to be a fucking one sided, uniformed person who wants to pick the rights the everyone else at his own convenience.
kiyardo said:
You're absolutly right. legally, it would be libel. i was thinking more from a casual conversational context. I doubt very seriously I or anyone would sue based on conversations on the Internet. :Spin:

Anyway, Your right again when it comes to the affects of marijuana on a person. I would much rather be around someone who is high on marijuana than someone who is plastered drunk. But, the issue is that alcohol can be taken into moderation, whereas marijuana cannot. One joint causes on to get high, though at different levels depending on the person. Plus, it stays in your system for up to 30 days. It affects judgement and memory, the former being the dangerous one, admittededly depending on the person.

See, the line has to be drawn somewhere. If we legalize marijuana, then the slippery slope begins, and in 50 years, all drugs may become legal. This would create a socioeconomic disaster.

But, neal, you have made some very good arguments. Can you kind of see where I'm coming from now?

What neal said, i back up 100 %.

On teh sued on the net thing. YES IT DOES HAPPEN. IT has happened. Thats why i made it my job to make sure i only skirted the outfeilds of the so called trheats i made to you. I know if at least one person who got a court date for threats on the net.
KIYARDO WROTE***The line is drawn at those drugs which provide an instant unpredictable intoxication.

***Im still getting my pants in a wad over this unpredictable thing you throw out at us. I know when to stop, thats called moderation, i know whne to continue. I know how much to INTAKE for what i am doing or for what i am about to do. ONE CAN BE IRRISPONSIBLE FOR INHALING SOMETHING DANGEROUSE, BUT AT THE SAME TIME WHY CANT ONE BE RESPONSIBLE ON THE AMOUNT ONE INTAKES?***

Marijuana certainly falls in that category. Cigarettes and Alcohol can be taken in moderation.

***Well, im sure you amde a mistake when you said that cigs and weed can be taken in moderation. If you didnt, ( and i did miss this when i addressed your essay earlier) then kudos to you. Your finally realizing a thing or 2.***

Quote: and the whole 2nd amendment shit is kind of funny becuase im pretty sure back when they wrote that with a fucking musket in their hands they werent thinking of ak-47s and bazookas an shit that'll blow people apart. im not saying guns should be banned completely, but come on. do you realy need a fucking uzi for pretection? i think not.​
The 2nd ammendment does not distinguish between types of firearms but it is explicit in it's meaning that US Governement shall not infringe on the liberty to own and bear any type of weapon. During the revolutionary period the militias and ordinary people carried the same types of arms the military carried (Flintlocks, muskets, etc.)

***WHn you say MALITIAS...its something you sighn up for. You see, during those tiems, the constitution also enforced teh fact that ANY ABLE BODIED MALE OF TEH AGE OF 16 YEARS MUST JOIN HIS LOCAL MALITIA. These fellows were quazi SOLDIERS. They had papers saying they were malitia, and the PAPERS are what gaev them authority to carry their arms to shoot the fucking brits. Now, ive already stated that the colonists broke the law by even making a constitution without teh KINGS aproval. The king was in charge you know, just as our governemnt is in charge now. Now back to the LOCAL malitias. Are you a member? DO you even have a LOCAL malitia? Probably not. Chances are, the colonists figured that the king would never stop tryin to get them back under control. Thus, THE DEAL IN TEH CONSTITUTION dealing with malitias. We dont need a malitia in every town anymore (well, some towns, and maybe some day all towns again but unlike you, im not gonna change the subject to deflect the heat). Not to mention you said JUST SHORT dealing with the cannons. You seem to just want what YOU WANT, and the hell with everyone else. ****

This matched firepower, just short of cannons, provided an equal playing field and kept the Government in check to prevent tyrrany. The 2nd ammendment was written to provide that kind of protection from oppresive governments.

***Now we haev the biggest army in the world to care for us. That way, stupid fuckers like you cant ahev a fully auto 50 cal. ***

Today, that would mean the ability to own fully automatic weapons with high capacity magazines utlitizing armour piercing ammunition. These types of weapons should not be regulated at all. The only laws that should be in place with regard to these types of weapons should be the penalties of crimes committed using such firearms, and any firearm for that matter.

***Ok, then why the fuck cant weed be legal, and just have laws about not driving on weed, or not walking arouind stoned...liek alcohol? I knwo why, cause you know nothing about WEED, and you like GUNS. Well, id much rather be around someone tockin a joint than to be near a stupid postal worker as yoursefl with a fucking 50 CAL. Man, your just too much. I really wish you would STOP, like we spoke about earlier.***
neal said:
marijuana is legal in holland and the percentage of people that use it is similar to other countries where its illegal.i believe that mushrooms and perhaps LSD are legal there as well, but 'hard' drugs are not. 'hard' drugs would never get legalized here even if marijuana was becuase they are seen as the ultimate evil by everyone. you think crack and heroin would win any votes for legalization? come one now. even us bad bad people who smoke some bud and don some halucinagens every now and again know that coke and heroin are nothing to be messed with. legalization of marijuana wouldnt lead to the decy of western society as we know it. people are going to smoke anyway, and by keeping it illegal we're using up space in prisons that would be better served with violent criminals and sex offenders.
The same argument could be used by users of Ecstasy and LSD, to which you've elluded. 40 years ago, they would have said the same thing about marijuana, which had less THC in it then, btw. The percentages would most certainly go up here in America if it were legalized, because of the type of culture we live in. Crime would increase, and welfare would increase.
and i still dont see how you can say that its impossible for marijuana to be takin in moderation! anything can be taken in moderation. you keep saying one joint, one joint, one joint, well you dont have to smoke a whole joint. just like you dont have to drink a whole bottle of liquor. and most times, you're not smoking alone anyways so you dont even have one whole joint all to yourself. most people WILL smoke more, just like most people WILL have another beer or another cocktail, but the option to not is also there. and i can only see where you're coming from why you dont want to smoke it, but not about how its the devil and no one else should smoke it. because i dont think it is the devil, and im smokin some right now as i type this response.
Why do you smoke marijuana for any reason other than to get high? Relaxation would probably be your answer. There are plenty of other legal means to relex other than marijuana. Herb therapy, massage, some music, a glass of wine or beer, etc. etc. I think if you answered honestly, it would be the high, as moderate as you may think it is.

Here is an interesting fact:
"The effects of marijuana depend on the amount of THC taken in and the method of use (whether smoked or eaten). When marijuana is smoked, the active chemicals are quickly absorbed into the lungs, and then distributed throughout the blood stream and into the brain.4 The effect is almost immediate and typically lasts between one and two hours. When eaten, THC is absorbed more slowly, but the effect may be more intense and last much longer.5 "
5. Lynn Zimmer and John P. Morgan, Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence (New York: The Lindesmith Center, 1997) p. 19.

Interesting note: This book is a respected non-biased source on marijuana that tends to favor the pro-marijuana arguments and challenges widely accepted notions.

I fully admit that chronic has varying affects on people, but it is psychologically addicting and can be abused. Just ask Dave Mustaine, who once wrote:
Forgive me father for I have sinned
I'm a child of the air, I'm a witch of the wind
And I'm still awake... Mary Jane

From the earth, up through the trees
I can hear her calling me
Her voice rides on the breeze
Oh, it's haunting me

No, I can't get away
No, there's no escape
If I know I'm going crazy
I must not be insane

Beware my friends, as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare my friends to follow me

Forgive me father for I have sinned
I'm a child of the air, I'm a witch of the wind
Fingers gripped around my brain
No control, my mind is lame
I'm in the astral plane, and I'll never be the same
Never, never, never, never, never, never
Never, never, never

It hurts so bad I can't breathe
Prepare to follow me
--Dave Mustaine, Mary Jane
Finnally,Somebody with some class. You and I must both be older mature adults. You also debate with some class and professionalism.

As for the rest of you.You replys are nothing new to me. Iv been on many metal forums and been kicked off of them for having an oppossing viewpoint. Look up Fascism and you tell me what a fascist is. Century Media booted me off not long ago because I academicly supported my faith in Christianity by facts. I debated with class! Not much for debate was century media. They were to busy insulting me!!
Century Media "outlawed the opposition". This is what Liberals always do!! They never debate,because they can't support their facts academicly.In order for liberals to debate academicly,they will first have to grow up and stop personally attacking people.

Once again. It's Ideology were discussing.not our personal lifes. Stop getting emotional over this debate. I do not agree with legalizing pot,but that doesn't make me a fascist. A disagreement does not make up fascism. Its the opposition that gets outlawed and not discussed.
Century Media is a Fascist organization. Liberals just love monopolizing their Ideology. They say,"Shut him up!", and "scilence him,he knows to much". Is this the
America you want?
Legalized pot and you'll get what you voted for. I personally don't think you'll like the results of your pipe dream.
kiyardo>yeh i smoke to get fuckin ripped. not everyone does though. lots of people just like 1 or 2 'hits'. and dave mustane was a fuckin heroin addict. and heres some news: the drug culture is already here! legalization wouldnt lead to the decy of society like you think it would. society is already decyed (and not from marijuana). and fezzilla can go suck a cock for all i care.
Fezzilla, you are a fascist because you seek to inflict your own beliefs on others and take control of their lifestyles. And you're a jackass because you're anti-free speech (i.e., the ACLU). If CM banned you, it's probably because you were prosletizing.

In any case, I have no reason to argue with you because you're obviously one of those self-righteous reactionaries who's gotten their head so full of propaganda than nothing any "liberal" (i.e., anyone who disagrees with them, left-wing or not) says could possibly have any value. Congratulations, you're right in your own mind. Now go live in your own mind and quit inflicting your ideology on us.
neal said:
kiyardo>yeh i smoke to get fuckin ripped. not everyone does though. lots of people just like 1 or 2 'hits'. and dave mustane was a fuckin heroin addict. and heres some news: the drug culture is already here! legalization wouldnt lead to the decy of society like you think it would. society is already decyed (and not from marijuana). and fezzilla can go suck a cock for all i care.
Society's decay is due to many factors. It has not decayed to the point that you say, but there are elements of it certainly in the drug culture. There are other reasons that are independant of drugs, of course.
Lots of people who take one or two hits probably get the high from those one or two hit. Like I said before, it affects people differently, as I'm sure you would readily admit.

BTW, those lyrics I quoted from Dave Mustaine were from the song Mary Jane, which is about marijuana use and it's psychological addiction. YOu should check out Believer's "Stop The Madness"

Remember, Fezilla has presented arguments without libel or without insult to no one personally.
In america In a couple of years time:

I could go to a wall mart and buy a crate of Whiskey and a few big guns( after waiting a few days to check I'm not a maniac) Then get blind drunk and shoot everyone who comes near and then blow my own brains out.

I could not sit in a room with some dylan on smokeing a joint with my girlfreind while waiting for some funky mescaline to kick in.

I can legaly buy Drink and guns with little or no restiction but I can't get a bit spaced.

Children shout against pot and acid all you please but if you do have a go at Guns and drink . If you don't you are just a fucking retard.
pot was more powerful in the 80's you non smoking fuckers.

Fezola, your not gonna get banned here. BUt your a fucking asshole. You guys have done nothing but rely on other ppls view points and opinions on teh subject of WEED. You both know nothing REAL about it. Just like the GOD thing your spewing about. You cant tell me you have proof on that. And i know the fucking bible, front to back. ITs a bit of a hobby of mine, reading the book.

Continue to ignore me, i know your still reading my posts you butt fucking bastards.
Pyrus said:
1.)Fezzilla, you are a fascist because you seek to inflict your own beliefs on others and take control of their
2.)And you're a jackass because you're anti-free speech (i.e., the ACLU).
3.) If CM banned you, it's probably because you were prosletizing.

4.) Now go live in your own mind and quit inflicting your ideology on us.

1.)This is a forum-we talk about current issues,past issues,future issues.
It a discussion board,isn't it?
2.)what does marijuana smoking got to do with free-speech? I'm not the one tell you to shut up. I can handle your viewpoint without getting mad.
I don't care if you talk your pot crap all day.
It is both a moral and constitusional issue. Without morals,the constitution falls to humanism.America then,would no longer be America.
You obviously don't know much about the ACLU because they are a left wing liberal group. They are attacking my rights as a christian. They're telling me that i can't say the word "Christmas" during the holiday. They demand homosexual clubs in schools. those schools who object to this will be sued and there nothing the school systems can do about it-(the opposition outlawed!).I could go on and on and on about the ACLU.
3.)Century Media banned me because I upheld my christian views academicly. Something there not used to.
4.)Are you telling me to be silent on a discussion board?
What are you afraid of?
Can't you-the pot head-handle a different point of view without getting violent? You liberals are all yelling fascist at me,yet your telling me to get lost and leave this topic...no surprise.
I don't think you know what a fascist is. You need to stop smoking so much weed and start thinking clearly. Pot is not good brain food as many studies have proved.
You want to test your bible skills?
Against me??
A student of theology,philosophy,and journalism???
Your on!
I don't have much time on the internet,but i'll try and find time this month for the topic and open up a page.
When i do open the page,i hope you will have some class in the debate or i won't debate the issue.
This gives you time to gather some notes together for and intellectual joust. Your going to need with the God topic-trust me.

Good day,

PS. Allow me time to open the subject. I can only debate this coming monday or tuesday.The rest of the week is too hard for me.
I will be serious about this topic-I hope you and others will be serious as well.

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