pot smoking

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sounds cool, but i did not know that. I only go to one other forum besides this one.
rebirths forum. Not been there in a while.

but anyway, i dont use the smilie things at all realy, but i would use the yoda one hahahah.
hereby I would like to thank everybody for taking time to give anti-communism arguments. thank you, thank you so much. God bless you. peace. :bow: :loco:
Mistress Masie said:
Wow, I dunno what got into me there. Sorry eh?
I believe I was the culprit *pulls out* sorry
"Where there is no vision, the people perish," Wrote King Solomon in proverbs more than a millennia ago.

"When there is no public morality,the nation loses its ways." Wrote Bill O'reilly in his book,"No Spin Zone."

Americans should not be dumbing down to the facts about marijuana ect., ect., they should be wising up! We as a great nation, cannot lose are moral American roots. It will be a immoral waistland if we do lose are values. The moral structure of this nation will weaken; our leaders will become mentally weaker and eventually the pillars that hold up our countries foundation will fall due to moral decay.Values are a great part of having freedom! America will be like rome and rot from the inside. It's happening already! Why add more problems on top of the problems we already have in America.
Learn to live and love life without the use of marijuana and be glad you live in the greatest nation in the world. Understand, That the far left liberals are brainwashing Humanist that hate everything good America ever stood for. And when I say liberals, I mean twisted organizations like the ACLU (American civil liberal union). The ACLU are the true Pagans of society:


They defend wrong doing and attack all that is good,moral,and right.

Legalizing marijuana is a direct attack on the social environment of are society.
We need to plant good seeds today in order grow thriving crops tomorrow. If we don't, we will surly lose everything we've worked so hard to build.

Also important to understand is the simple fact that secular humanism is the philosophy of Communism, Fascism,Totalitarianism (to me all the same) and socialism.If there is one word(or phrase) to sum this all up it would be "secular humanism". The communist writers of the books, "Humanist Manifesto" 1&2, knew what they were writing about, And it was about being fair and balenced! Karl Marx was also a well known humanist that wrote many mind poisoning books. This soviet mind poisoning philosophy made its way into the U.S and has influenced and created the Liberal.
Americans need to be focased on creating a good positive moral environment in order to preserve our American nation. This means being clear minded! Marijuana creates a brain cloud of confusion.
"If it feels good do it", and the "Make-it-all-up-as-you-go" morality, seems to be the way of the Humanist...but it is not the American way!

"Just because we have problems with Alcohol and tobacco doesn't mean we should add to those problems by legalizing more intoxicants" -Bill O'reilly-the NO SPIN ZONE.
OOH!, before I go, I want some of you to understand that an insult/personal attacks during a debate (no matter what the issue) is not the way to express a disagreement.
I will not attack the person in whom I am in disagreement with. I will address and attack dubious ideology.
And I will personally attack you, because you're a fucking fascist moron. You have personally attacked me, do you get that? Your insults against liberals are insults against me, and are also the most brainwashed, propagandic bullshit this side of Michael Savage's radio show. I don't even know where to begin, and I know it won't make a difference because your brain has apparently been mutated by fundamentalist propaganda into something resebling a steaming dog turd. So I'll just mention once again that you are a fucking retard and leave it at that.
well lets see..FEZZILLA has to be fucking joking becuase no one could be this fucking dumb. nice definition of PAGAN..been watching some DRAGNET lately huh? fuck you. and kiyardo is a liar and a hypocrite. you started the name calling in your first fucking post. fuck you. you'd like to discuss this another time? id like to discuss a fucking beer bottle to your temple you dick. you dont know shit about drugs so shut the fuck up. and im sure youll try to play the victim that im not arguing im just making personal attacks. yep. im making personal attacks. i hope you knock on my door someday so i can make a REAL personal attack. but whatever. continue to go through life with your warped ass views about shit you're totaly fucking niave to. go choke on ashcroft's dick.
Though I agree with your moral sentiments, one cannot use that argument in discussing this issue with these "friendly" folks here. You and I agree on the fact that there are absolutes, but humanists and secularists believe in "absolute relativism" lol. This being the case there is no basis in arguing from a moral standpoint. There is a basis in the Constitution, though. And it is from the Constitution that we must argue from.

Ellicit Drug use should be banned on the basis that it can infringe upon the life and liberty of those in it's influence. Locking oneself up in one's basement doesn't cut it, because one could just as easy 'unlock' the basement and the influence of drugs on a person produces dangerous behaviour, which greatly increases the threat of life and liberty of those in it's wake.

Now, the other argument against drug use is that it's just plain bad for your health. Anyone engaging in drug use is engaging in behaviour that will kill them faster. Self destructive activity is stupid, plain and simple. Reasonable cigarette smokers will readily admit that smoking is stupid. Why won't pot smokers do the same?

When people like neal argue like a drunk wrestler, you just have to ignore the mindless bunk, and try and read the posts that address the arguments.

They attack me because of a general statement I used in psuedo signature in my first post that was directed at no one in particular. "A friend with weed is a dweeb, indeed". It was a play on words from a saying printed in the liner notes of Malevolent Creation's - Retribution disc. Neal wants to use that statement as an excuse to continue to make threats and call people names. Pitiful, really. He hasn't addressed ANY of your or my arguments.

You on the other hand have risen above gratuitous personal attacks, and yet they still are engaged in the 'politics of personal destruction' against you. It's kind of like members of the Clinton administration cheering Larry the Flint on from the sidelines during Impeachment.

Well, the spin stops there. Plain and simple 'Drugs suck'
Do you actually AGREE with this dipshit's viewpoints? I thought you were just closed-minded on one point, not an anti-free speech mental midget. Arguing these "secular humanist" semantics is idiocy as it relates to law, because we have a little something called "separation of church and state."

Oh, and the reason I haven't responded to Fezzilla's arguments is because they're disjointed, off-topic, insulting, completely devoid of logic, and have no basis in reality other than the fundamentalist little dreamworld inside Pat Buchanan's head. Basically, what I get from his post is that our liberties should be taken away to secure our freedom.

Plan and simple, "fuck that brain-dead, delusional, ethically bankrupt, fascist HYPOCRITE."
Maybe Fezilla can respond to your post, but if you read my post, you'll understand that I support arguing based on law and the constitution, even though the phrase "Separation of Church and State" appear nowhere in the Constitution. If you read the 1st ammendment you will see this: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" It couldn't be any more simple than that. Just as the 2nd ammendment couldn't be more simple when it says "the right to keep and bear arms...shall not be infringed". You wanna talk about sacrificing security for freedom, you should talk to your liberal socialists friends about the second ammendment. I'd rather be around a clear minded sober man with an AK-47, Mak-11, and a MP5 fully loaded and automatic, than someone high on crack or dope, any day!!
I think you know what I mean. Illicit drugs that are not prescribed are bad. Ofcourse, I don't support outlawing the prescribed drugs you mentioned. I actually support the medicinal use of THC (as opposed to marijuana) for the treatment of disease and treatment side effects.
ok mr kiyardo:
perscirption drugs are abused just as much as 'ellicit' drugs. and sure i admit that smoking weed isnt healty. smoking ANYTHING isnt healthy, but the argument was that cigs are worse becuase they have some pretty horrible chemicals in them, are provent to cause cancer, are addictive, and fucking stink.

"Ellicit Drug use should be banned on the basis that it can infringe upon the life and liberty of those in it's influence."

"...engaging in behaviour that will kill them faster. Self destructive activity is stupid, plain and simple."

well then i guess we should ban fucking mcdonalds becuase that makes us fat, cars becuase they pollute and a billion other things that are lightyears worse than smoking a little ganja from time to time. "drugs are bad for you so they're illegal" is fucking facsit hypocracy.

and the whole 2nd amendment shit is kind of funny becuase im pretty sure back when they wrote that with a fucking musket in their hands they werent thinking of ak-47s and bazookas an shit that'll blow people apart. im not saying guns should be banned completely, but come on. do you realy need a fucking uzi for pretection? i think not.

so there ya go, i addressed some arguments AND didnt call you any names.
neal said:
ok mr kiyardo:
perscirption drugs are abused just as much as 'ellicit' drugs. and sure i admit that smoking weed isnt healty. smoking ANYTHING isnt healthy, but the argument was that cigs are worse becuase they have some pretty horrible chemicals in them, are provent to cause cancer, are addictive, and fucking stink.
Cigarettes are bad news that's for sure, but marijuana joints have no filters and even if they did, they still have 4 times the carcinogens of a regular cigarette, and they also contribute to memory loss. On a related note, a news story just released today says that medical studies have indicated that long term use of tobacco smoking can lead to mild memory loss for middle aged adults
well then i guess we should ban fucking mcdonalds becuase that makes us fat, cars becuase they pollute and a billion other things that are lightyears worse than smoking a little ganja from time to time. "drugs are bad for you so they're illegal" is fucking facsit hypocracy.
I never made that particular argument. If I did, then your assessment would be correct. The "bad for you" argument is more of an incentive to stop the activity, not a justification for banishment. The argument I use for keeping marijuana and other drugs illegal is based on the infringment of liberty and life of those surrounding the user. Obviously one on PCP is more dangerous than one high on ganja for sure, but any drug that alters the mind is an "enemy of reality" and a potential for a dangerous situation that could harm someone else. The line is drawn at those drugs which provide an instant unpredictable intoxication. Marijuana certainly falls in that category. Cigarettes and Alcohol can be taken in moderation.
and the whole 2nd amendment shit is kind of funny becuase im pretty sure back when they wrote that with a fucking musket in their hands they werent thinking of ak-47s and bazookas an shit that'll blow people apart. im not saying guns should be banned completely, but come on. do you realy need a fucking uzi for pretection? i think not.
The 2nd ammendment does not distinguish between types of firearms but it is explicit in it's meaning that US Governement shall not infringe on the liberty to own and bear any type of weapon. During the revolutionary period the militias and ordinary people carried the same types of arms the military carried (Flintlocks, muskets, etc.) This matched firepower, just short of cannons, provided an equal playing field and kept the Government in check to prevent tyrrany. The 2nd ammendment was written to provide that kind of protection from oppresive governments. Today, that would mean the ability to own fully automatic weapons with high capacity magazines utlitizing armour piercing ammunition. These types of weapons should not be regulated at all. The only laws that should be in place with regard to these types of weapons should be the penalties of crimes committed using such firearms, and any firearm for that matter.
so there ya go, i addressed some arguments AND didnt call you any names.
You sure did. Your arguments were good, well thought out, and respected. And, no, you didn't call me any names. Thanks. It makes the debate so much more interesting when we can exchange ideas without all the slander. I've found new respect for you , neal. Thanks again, man.
goddamnit i already wrote a response that somehow didnt show up...so i guess ill do it again.

i dont see how you can continue to argue that marijuana cant be taken in moderation but alcohol can. its rediculous. have you ever been around drunk people? they just keep drinking more and more. its insane...and even though slander is a cooler sounding and looking word, this would be libel becuase its printed defamation rather than spoken. and on a side note, i love 'slander' and use it all the time in my everyday speech. its such a cool word.
I don't smoke marijuana, but If I wished to, no law would stop me. I'm notorius in my family social circle for not recognizing any authority I didn't vote/ask for. :grin: Got in a lot of trouble a couple years ago for telling an officer I didn't ask for him to tell me what to do, so he could go fuck himself. :)

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