today in the USA, despite ten states having had it's people
vote in favor of medical marijuana and / or the de-criminalization
of marijuana, the Supreme Court:
In a 6-3 vote, the justices ruled the Bush administration can block the backyard cultivation of pot for personal use, because such use has broader social and financial implications.
I don't think medical marijuana will ever go into effect here in the
USA, because the drug companies are nearly as powerful in the
government as oil companies. They want you on prosac not pot!
I guess I can start a fake company and sell bogus stock shares
and rob people for large amounts of money and I won't go to jail -
as long as I'm not smoking a joint while doing so.

vote in favor of medical marijuana and / or the de-criminalization
of marijuana, the Supreme Court:
In a 6-3 vote, the justices ruled the Bush administration can block the backyard cultivation of pot for personal use, because such use has broader social and financial implications.
I don't think medical marijuana will ever go into effect here in the
USA, because the drug companies are nearly as powerful in the
government as oil companies. They want you on prosac not pot!
I guess I can start a fake company and sell bogus stock shares
and rob people for large amounts of money and I won't go to jail -
as long as I'm not smoking a joint while doing so.