pot smoking

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And to sum up. Everyone here thinks I don't know what I'm talking about because I've never engaged in drugs. It doesn't matter that I've seen friend's lives ruined because of drug use, including marijuana.

So, the name calling continues, and from your end, not mine. This will be my last post on the subject. I will make clear a statement I made earlier, so that you don't have to go back and read it again. I said that everyone I KNEW went on to use harder drugs, that doesn't mean that EVERYONE in the world that uses weed goes on to use the harder drugs, but it is a proven fact that the majority of drug users, which includes all drugs (alcohol, marijuana, glue, etc.) go on to use harder drugs.

And also, it is insane to even think that using marijuana as a way to 'get off harder drugs'. One can try to substitute the high of marijuana, but using one drug to get off of another makes as much sense as replacing Saddam Hussein with Uday Hussein in Iraq.

And, regarding neal's comment
i did mushrooms last night and smoked a ton of bud. ill bet retardo thinks im the anti-christ.

Nope, not the anti-christ, just a retard.
kiyardo said:
I agree that Hemp should be legalized and used for the production of paper, clothing, etc. But, no good can come from legalizing marijuana for any purpose. Face the fact that marijuana is a drug that cannot be taken in moderation, like alchohol or cigarettes. Though it affects people on different levels, it certainly does give a high that clouds judgment and reality.

Medical marijuana is the biggest farce that Libertarians, Greens, and some Democrats ever came up with. The ONLY reason why politicians are pushing medical marijuana to the legislative agenda is to start the process of full blown drug legalization. Marinol helps to aid some of the discomforts associated with medical treatments and disease, but more improtantly, the FDA needs to be overhauled to allow for the legalization of clinical THC mist that can be inhaled to take full advantage of the benefits, without the dangerous smoke or unpredictable highs associated with natural marijuana plants.

Stay rooted in reality, and stay away from drugs.


How on earth can you POSSIBLY argue that marijuana is more dangerous than alchohol? And why can't marijuana be taken in moderation? I take it in moderation, and never feel that my judgement or reality has been 'clouded.' Have you had a bad personal experience with marijuana or something?

and yeah, Hell's Angels is an amazing book.
kiyardo said:
And to sum up. Everyone here thinks I don't know what I'm talking about because I've never engaged in drugs. It doesn't matter that I've seen friend's lives ruined because of drug use, including marijuana.

Anyone who's life was "ruined" by marijuana is pretty fucking pathetic to have been destroyed by weed. I'm pretty sure that your opponents on this subject have had a great amount of combined pot experience (first or second-hand), and it seems to disagree with yours.

So, the name calling continues, and from your end, not mine. This will be my last post on the subject. I will make clear a statement I made earlier, so that you don't have to go back and read it again. I said that everyone I KNEW went on to use harder drugs, that doesn't mean that EVERYONE in the world that uses weed goes on to use the harder drugs, but it is a proven fact that the majority of drug users, which includes all drugs (alcohol, marijuana, glue, etc.) go on to use harder drugs.

Really? Can you find me the data?

And also, it is insane to even think that using marijuana as a way to 'get off harder drugs'. One can try to substitute the high of marijuana, but using one drug to get off of another makes as much sense as replacing Saddam Hussein with Uday Hussein in Iraq.








Now which of these would you prefer to be addicted to? The six that cause violent deaths, severe mental problems, and generally fuck with your life - or the one that makes you do CRAZY things like, say, order pizzas with sandwiches as a topping and find Carrot Top funny?

Well, maybe that last one is a bit too harmful.

And, regarding neal's comment

Nope, not the anti-christ, just a retard.

I'm sure he's very hurt.
hee hee

I didn't want to brag, but...

suddenly I was able to maintain my erection up to 45-90 minutes longer than previously; during spring floods in tibet I aided the stranded natives by building suspension bridges out of pipe cleaners. When my professors were stuck in complicated physics proofs, I showed them the flaws in Einstein's theories, and on spring break excavated a brontosaurus skeleton in montana with nothing but a toothbrush and a pair of tweezers.

and that was all in one semester!

pot was a true godsend to me, and the tibetans. also the women I was servicing.
yep, so how can this retardo charactor say that its bad? look at all the joy its brought to the world! it made you into a hero and a national tresure. marijuana for president!
right now I'm working overtime and making 26 dollars an hour! and I owe it all to marijuana.

look, I lost my temper a bit with Kiyardo, and I don't like to do that. I'm willing to debate just about any issue, but this is truly something that isn't just black and white, and therefore like with most stuff, each side should chew a little on the other point of view, taste it, and say, well, maybe you could have a half a point here and there. but there was no give, he was always right, we were always wrong, and therefore it became a giant pointless circle jerk.

although it is funny to see someone who doesn't know who the fuck ledmag is, rag on him and then face the Kentuckian Wrathchild. I've been there, and I was like, what the hell!!!!:Spin:
Well, I said earlier that I wouldn't comment on the subject, but reading lizards testimony really moved me. I might go and try to smoke some marijuana now. See, I have some problems with my car, and I don't have a jack to get underneath of it to find out what the problem is. It's something in the undercarriage. Perhaps marijuana will give me the strength to lift the car up to see what the deal is.

I'm also having trouble in the bedroom. See, my bedroom is a callousal mess. I'm too lazy to clean it up. Maybe if I smoke some Mary Jane, I might find the energy to clean my room. I've tried chewing tobacco, which I consider another point of view, but all I kept thinking about was how oppressed those Tibetans were and how Brad Pitt could free them, along with Rage Against The Machine (good ridance)

Then, I got to thinking how I'd like to try out for the next installment of American Idol, and maybe if I smoked pot, I might stand a chance of becoming somebody. Maybe if I tried pot, I would like it. Maybe if I smoked marijuana, I would be enlightened. Maybe if I smoked dope, people wouldn't call me names.

Anybody have a pipe cleaner bridge they want to sell? I now understand that marijuana truly is a gateway drug, but one must use the pipe cleaners.

I mean COME ON people. If Chris Barnes smokes dope, it can't be that bad! Right?

Now, what about PCP, LSD, and heroin. They can't be that bad either. Ask Timothy Leary. You guys should open your mind about those as well. Didn't you see that MTV special about heroin?
kiyardo, it was all meant in fun...

and...stop the presses...we agree on something! actually two things, 1) that RATM sucked, and 2) heroin is bad.

I don't even know (or probably care) who Chris Barnes is.

I understand the whole gateway concept, and for many it may be true. I've made mistakes in my life, and I assume you have too. all a human being can do is hope to learn from them. verstehen sie?
I like this bit of hyperbole:

"SIX FEET UNDER are quite possibly one of the most important bands that Metal has delivered, and "True Carnage", the band's fourth full length, will be the most important record extreme Metal will see."

now, at the risk of pissing someone off, this genre of music is so tired, so cliched, that it has ceased to retain any sense of evil or menace, and veered into the deeply humorous.
Yeah, I agree. I love the style of music in death metal, but the imagery and the lyrical content is too predictable. That's why I like Soul Embraced, Mortification, and Living Sacrifice.

And, along with the topic at hand. I think that bands that glorify drug use are beating a dead horse as well. Nevermore are certainly guilty of this with Four Walls being the latest example. I say imprison the bastards who sell drugs to our children.
someone who sells crack to kids should be shot. I agree.
I kind of view the whole death/dark/black metal crowd as being in the same sort of artistic cul de sac as pop tarts like britney or christina.
just as the first bunch has to constantly try to find ways to be more "scary" or whatever, britney and christina have few clothes left to remove. I mean, what more can any of them do to top their previous antics?
Excellant point, which is actually another reason why I like Nevermore, because they at least write lyrics that make you think, even if I don't agree with all of their points of view. Black metal especially is terribly cliche. I like to compare Swedish and particularly Norwegian black metal bands to the Glam Metal bands of the 80s. Both are caked in makeup. Both write lyrics about the same thing in every song. Both live the idiotic lifestyle they write about.

But, your comparison is quite acurate as well.

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