Belting gig ...tiny tiny place - particularly liked the "green room" if you can call it that ! severe "wrong lens" thing due to lack of knowledge of venue (will curse my children later..)
Let's see if I can get owt from about 600 pix (not tonight mind
I await the proper reviews - it was like being at a football game at times - you get so involved in the action you forget you've got a camera in your hand ...but thank you Power Quest (not forgetting Aceldama and Neonfly either ..
One pic sorted ... surely it should be a guitar not a bottle ...
Thoroughly enjoyed the whole night - met some nice people - but then had to rush to Manchester Victoria for the last train - to be met by hordes of Barry Manilow fans walking in the opposite direction - scary
Let's see if I can get owt from about 600 pix (not tonight mind

I await the proper reviews - it was like being at a football game at times - you get so involved in the action you forget you've got a camera in your hand ...but thank you Power Quest (not forgetting Aceldama and Neonfly either ..

One pic sorted ... surely it should be a guitar not a bottle ...

Thoroughly enjoyed the whole night - met some nice people - but then had to rush to Manchester Victoria for the last train - to be met by hordes of Barry Manilow fans walking in the opposite direction - scary