Manowar Fans?

Well, geographically then, the Louder Harder Faster show should be a piece of cake for you to go see ....if we don't make it there, and you go, THAT one you'll definately have to fill us in on-we'll trade!
Bryant said:
Hmmmm..... sorry dear, but there's not enough wine in California, Italy and France combined to wash down enough of that cheese for me. Have a good time though.

Your just jealous because they kicked you out of Manowar, for all of those who don't Bryant was on the first album, it was his idea to dress up like Barbarians!
Bryant said:
Hmmmm..... sorry dear, but there's not enough wine in California, Italy and France combined to wash down enough of that cheese for me. Have a good time though.

Aw, c'mon Bryant....there isn't even the tiniest spot in your heart for Manowar?... :loco:

I am packing a few bottles of Louis Jadot ,Pouilly Fouisse however!!!!,and I'll be sure to throw some Lactaid in my suitcase!!! :loco:

I'm looking forward to the people watching factor, could be interesting. I expect it to be fun, and good 'n LOUD!!!!! :headbang:
LadySteele said:
Aw, c'mon Bryant....there isn't even the tiniest spot in your heart for Manowar?... :loco:

I am packing a few bottles of Louis Jadot ,Pouilly Fouisse however!!!!,and I'll be sure to throw some Lactaid in my suitcase!!! :loco:

I'm looking forward to the people watching factor, could be interesting. I expect it to be fun, and good 'n LOUD!!!!! :headbang:

Ha ha ha I don't "hate" them per se' at all, I just find them rather silly. "Death to false metal !!" I suppose the people watching WILL indeed be quite interesting. Your attendance might even boost the crowd's median intelligence up a point or so...... you never know. :loco:
In all seriousness, it should be fun. I hope you have a blast. I need to see a metal show, but nothing is coming to Atlanta near my days off. Actually Stevie Knicks and Don Henley are playing Atlanta on one of my days off, so I thought about that. Not metal, but I like enough of their stuff to enjoy it, until I saw the cost of the tickets. :OMG:

Me, too, Bryant... I would *love* to see them... maybe someone will be giving away tickets, though I think I used up a lifetime's worth of "winning-tickets-luck" when I won those Falcons playoff tix in January... :b

lady_space said:
Me, too, Bryant... I would *love* to see them... maybe someone will be giving away tickets, though I think I used up a lifetime's worth of "winning-tickets-luck" when I won those Falcons playoff tix in January... :b


Honey, The Steelers play Atlanta in Atlanta in 2006 (IIRC.) I plan on attending and I will be wearing black, but with gold.

Bryant said:
Honey, The Steelers play Atlanta in Atlanta in 2006 (IIRC.) I plan on attending and I will be wearing black, but with gold.


OK, OK, We have like 2 months until its even pre season, & you are bustin' chops already! ...simmer down now!!!.....hee hee :loco: (we sport the orange and brown around here, and it gets ugly livin' in Bengal territory. ha ha!)

Stevie Nicks is amazing, I would love to see her too, but I hear ya on ticket prices. we have been so lucky to be spoiled rotten by bargains such as Glenn's.
LadySteele said:
OK, OK, We have like 2 months until its even pre season, & you are bustin' chops already! ...simmer down now!!!.....hee hee :loco: (we sport the orange and brown around here, and it gets ugly livin' in Bengal territory. ha ha!)

I wasn't the first to mention football. I can't help it.... is it September yet ? Football and Prog Power Woo-Hoo !!

dargormudshark said:
Did they play Wheels of Fire, when I first heard that song, I thought it was the heaviest, fastest thing in existence :D
Their set, not in playing order:

Sign of The Hammer
Black Wind, Fire and Steel
Kings of Metal
Heart of Steel
Hail and Kill
Brothers of Metal
The Power
Warriors of The World
A Call to Arms - guess I forgot this one

I haven't been reading around for a few days, but seems now there have been some reviews out of other shows, and it seems that Cleveland comparitively wasn't given the best show. I still stand by my opinion that it was awesome to hear/see them. (read the review at bwbk)-makes me mad on a few levels,....ok, not going there, others have already bitched about stuff enough. I need to sleep, and this will bug me and prevent it!...(sung ala Chris Caffrey: DRAMA PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!).. (but battle anthems make me happy! :headbang: )