
Nah, I feel really cool to be a character in a cyberreality-show :Spin:

But for the sake of increasing authenticity, my name is Márta and not Martha. But you can call me Minnie Mouse too. And could we please call the leading male character Xavier maybe? That sounds more exotic.

Crack Hitler said:
and some people complain about the humor of real maqus and alwin and some others... go figure.
ah alwins humour is crap in a less overtly gay way

this place is a bit like being in a flann o brien scenario, soon we wont know if anyone isnt an imp o_O

i quite like it
I don't mind bad humor (I'm quite well know for it as well, haha) and all that. Just that atleast this critized couple doesn't concentrate on specific persons or try to make it personal (as far as I've witnessed anyway). Well, afterall these 'attacks' (if that's what you can call these lousy attempts) usually tell more about the person him/herself than about the people they're targeting.

eh blah. I'm reading too much into this shite anyway. atleast we have some action here to keep ourselves occupied during these darkening days towards the winter. dooooom.
Bambi said:
i quite like it

Do you now?! Watch your mouth or you'll get the role of the Russian secret agent in the soap and no bath-time pie-feeding for ya.

*stilletoe heels ticking off in anger*

Zis iz da bigining ov a fakin bjutiful frendship :mad:
Crack Hitler said:
I don't mind bad humor (I'm quite well know for it as well, haha) and all that. Just that atleast this critized couple doesn't concentrate on specific persons or try to make it personal (as far as I've witnessed anyway). Well, afterall these 'attacks' (if that's what you can call these lousy attempts) usually tell more about the person him/herself than about the people they're targeting.

eh blah. I'm reading too much into this shite anyway. atleast we have some action here to keep ourselves occupied during these darkening days towards the winter. dooooom.

i think ive read that before :eek: